Wednesday, August 20, 2014

In another part of his remarks, referring to issues related to export said: Saipa with a market of

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Saipa Managing Director of Planning for the growth and expansion of the product portfolio in the coming years and said: Our estimates show Saipa next year for the development and the industry's mobile business.
Civil engineer who attended the ceremony. Saipa Hojatoleslam Abu Torabi Fard, Vice President of Parliament, Reza Rahmani, head of industry and mines and collect other people's representatives in the House, along with artists, managers and senior staff expressed Saipa held that next year's production of 650 thousand we will and we also export homemade ice cream without ice cream maker to the circulation of 50 thousand peace and freedom.
He added that there are many problems in the fields of production, liquidity, sanctions and other management issues and domestic abuse many obstacles put in the way the automotive industry. homemade ice cream without ice cream maker But with effort homemade ice cream without ice cream maker and patience, planning and co-workers were able to leave behind a lot of this stuff.
He pointed to the guidelines of the Supreme Leader, Resistive economic policies emphasized: Saipa group at 1 year was able to adopt these policies in areas such as reducing the cost of the current self save a lot of the liquidity In matters relating to the production spend.
Product development as one of the most important civil Saipa strategies for the coming year and said preparations for the arrival of 13 to 14 new products to the basket Saipa products during the period of the next 3 years and hope to enter the number homemade ice cream without ice cream maker of vehicles expand its market share domestically and abroad.
Saipa Group CEO in another homemade ice cream without ice cream maker part of his remarks regarding the use of new methods of production and supply of the product to the market homemade ice cream without ice cream maker is demanding insisted that saipa a good understanding of the market is demanding new automobiles to be plans in the the investment field.
In another part of his remarks, referring to issues related to export said: Saipa with a market of 400 million people of the neighboring countries and regions around the country facing the coming years with the arrival of plans in the cars area increased its activities in the year 1404 our exports to reach 500 thousand units.
Civil Engineer noted in regard to human resources staff about the problems we've always tried to be sustained minimal damage and pressure. Accordingly, we plan to expand production to keep workers in the field of business problems are not.
There are many problems in the fields of production, liquidity, sanctions and other management issues and domestic abuse many obstacles put in the way the automotive industry. But with effort and patience, planning and co-workers were able to leave behind a lot of this stuff.
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