Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Hi my dear friends .... Remember when I told you some time ago and tackle the roots of Freemasonry ... Now I have the job I start ... First of all, to those who say that Nietzsche's Nietzsche Mykhvnn Bass and I Mlhdv or just leave it as anti Chyz hayyh Mtalbv Nkhvnn Mlhd the man said ... You better tropical sno know this was Nietzsche's philosophy of humanism and human-centered speech and you know Krd.hala.
Masons or Freemasons (Freemasons French word meaning free building) tropical sno teaching and ceremonies of a secret sect of Brothers "free masons" tropical sno based on cooperation gather. Undercover work is Masonic rituals and customs, it should tell the Masonic associations, but not a barrier to disclose his membership in the Association. Freemasonry is a secret society and the progress of the most extensive and Jhangyrtryn Great Britain's empire expanded around the world and therefore on the islands of Great Britain and dependent countries and nations of the empire under the influence of more widespread. Freemasons are about 6 million people are estimated to have four million people in the United States of America and the islands of Great Britain and the rest of one million in other countries. Freemasonry is said to be in the tradition of the rule of law prevails.
Regulations include provisions which local associations known as Freemasonry Lodges (in English "Lodge"), they relate to each other. Date of freemasonry in communist countries as well as in Spain and Portugal and Indonesia and Egypt prohibited. Hitler's tropical sno Germany and Fascist tropical sno Italy in the Freemasonry of the two countries were abolished. The Catholic Church has also been barred from membership tropical sno in the system. Masonic Origins of the European Middle Ages. At that time the rotating union wage structures that are placed within the Union and in every city came together to discuss their issues and decide on their own and to progress in order to avoid problems, and the Association and their talk was hidden. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the building boom was very free masons could it just be a member. Freemasonry began with the customs and symbols of medieval guilds, but eventually, especially in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, religious rites and denominations, and Bradryy apparatus of chivalry chose for themselves. In 1717 CE. The first Grand Lodge was the union of lodges in England was Paygzary. The grand lodges were established in other countries. In the eighteenth tropical sno century a group of people who did not have any affiliations with community based organizations were secretly likes them, customs and traditions to sign in and of Freemasonry accepted take Shortly sonstractions of the turn of the and a little later today Freemasonry branches It was established in most countries of Europe. Most members of the nobility and wealthy merchants, who were each to a specific device to help each member reach their goal. Ethical and charitable organizations, as well as its hidden agenda and assist in the organization of the group have attracted. Members each with specific symptoms and have known each other for help. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and between members of the Masonic plentiful prosperity of the kings came and found Vsahban politicians, including George Washington tropical sno (the first President tropical sno of America) Goethe (German Poet) Edward VII (King of England) Another promise, another tropical sno prominent people countries had joined tropical sno the system.
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