Friday, August 22, 2014

Inch specializes in neurology at the University scotsman ice machine of Zurich that despite the ces

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Vaccine against Alzheimer's revival Monday 29 August 2011-7 September 1390 causes of Alzheimer's disease is still unclear. Apparently the harmful plaques of Alzheimer play a key role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Has had to deal with a disease that leads to dementia, exerting a solution has not been discovered. scotsman ice machine Medical and Health
Causes of Alzheimer's disease is not yet fully understood. Apparently the harmful plaques in Alzheimer play a key role in this disease. Has had to deal with this disease that leads to dementia undiscovered solution is important.
Ten years after the first time to investigate the discovery of an effective vaccine to fight Alzheimer's disease failed passes. Participants in this study received the vaccine due to meningeal infection screens were developed. Therefore, this study was stopped immediately.
In patients with Alzheimer's disease, scotsman ice machine beta-amyloid molecule to accumulate in high concentrations in the brain and nerve cells that attack and lead to dementia in patients. Researchers hope to contribute to the accumulation of amyloid vaccine to destroy. The research was conducted ten years ago, it had the heavy side effects for patients.
Inch specializes in neurology at the University scotsman ice machine of Zurich that despite the cessation of this study was to examine the patients who participated in this study continued. Many of them have no effect on the injected vaccine is not here, because their immune system to respond old is too.
Therefore inch focus only on patients whose immune system has responded to the vaccine. He says: "We have observed that in the body of patients who developed antibodies to the vaccine's efficacy, clinical status was stable, the disease is almost stopped."
Similarly, nurses who were responsible for the care of these patients scotsman ice machine reported improvement of symptoms. Meanwhile, Roger inch brains of patients who died had described and could not find an explanation for stopping scotsman ice machine the disease scotsman ice machine process. During his studies, he observed that the protein sediments are the main cause of this disease is significantly reduced and nerve cells have improved somewhat. Inch believes that the biological mechanisms scotsman ice machine of these therapies have a positive effect on brain neurons.
Thus the treatment of Alzheimer's immune system against common again, but this time with a different method. Most researchers to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies to the direct injection of the vaccine into the body, choose the safer option. Them in the laboratory to produce the antibodies needed to combat the disease and then injected into a patient's body. Currently more than 40 different studies of antibodies with ten on ten thousand patients with Alzheimer's disease are underway. scotsman ice machine The result of this method is supposed to be known by the end of next year.
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