Wednesday, August 13, 2014

This feature helps to control accounting process your input, helps quickly detect and fix errors ma

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H2-Account is free accounting software is developed on the basis of Excel (Under the Office of the Microsoft Corporation). The software allows you to perform the recording industry data management in the fields of accounting firms in Vietnam.
Since its inception in 2013 the carbon 5 H2-Account has been appreciated for community friendly interface, easy to use and customizable to each company. Over years of development, now the software has been upgraded, complete snobiz with the power of VBA programming language built has really snobiz brought a new experience to work on excel accounting vocabulary long been considered quite primitive and time consuming. H2-Interface & Menu ACCOUNT
- Advanced features usually found only on the accounting software but still have to pay the H2-Account. This can help you complete peace of mind when using. All matters arising snobiz errors or adjustments by law will be added to the software quickly, automatically and accurately
- Users can choose accounting decisions that businesses themselves are using include: Decision 48 and Decision 15 decided to switch operation is simple, with just a few clicks is all you can transfer change is the decision to use
- Only enter data in the sheet of Initiation, as all data will be aggregated through books such as General Ledger, General Diaries, Book Deposit, journal book ... documents such as receipts of expenditures, accounting votes ... The financial statements include the balance sheet arising, balance sheet, statement of operations, cash flows ...
- Comply with the provisions of law, accounting software implementation H2-Account allocations prepaid expenses 142, 242 in a flexible manner, depreciation of fixed assets is depreciated on month option or depreciated on the day. Easily track tools and devices, fixed
- During data entry, the accounting will inevitably make mistakes such as missing input, redundancy and repair some receipt or payment voucher will be edited involves a series of other documents be time-consuming and psychological stress. Use H2-Account you will completely eliminate this tedious job!
This feature helps to control accounting process your input, helps quickly detect and fix errors made professional accounting balance sheet does not balance. snobiz This has important implications for creating favorable conditions for the completion of the financial statements as well as to ensure reasonable balance books
Use the other excel accounting software, accounting will be done continuously manipulate Filter to remove blank lines, but with H2-Account everything is completely automatic comparative observations, test data are quick and more convenient
Accounting software is free, but H2-Account possess outstanding features which include assisting the user to choose the language used. For accountants working for foreign companies, with operations set up is simple.
Accountants in excel, surely you are having problems date format, this problem is solved quickly on H2-Account. Now, you just need to focus on the data without having to worry about the effects of the wrong standard snobiz date format
Just your computer to afford, snobiz H2-Account can help you manipulate with hundreds of thousands of lines of data entry so you can fully apply to any software company. It also does not limit the number of assets, goods, works, tools and supplies, fixed assets. Features

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