Sunday, December 14, 2014

In the local community power plant realized works on fencing and arrangement of water sources

LATEST NEWS The Youth Centre was another snobiz children's creative workshops, and organized a tour of the City Gallery of Fine Arts on December 15, 2014. 36th anniversary of the commissioning of Cement Factory Public consultation on the check-lists of the Environment plan to repair the railway Lašva -Kakanj Need maximum savings and efficiency of all costs: 2015 will be a year of struggle over the stability of the budget of the Municipality Kakanj held training on "Control of soil fertility and its significance"
In the local community power plant realized works on fencing and arrangement of water sources "Tegra" in order to increase the capacity of water supply from which water is supplied by locals Kujavče. Papers of the total value of 15,519.39 KM funded through the Programme friendly environment between JP "Elektroprivreda BiH" and the Municipality of Kakanj.
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