Wednesday, December 10, 2014

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Today it began building the third lane on the Adriatic Highway in building POS. As promised, city of Makarska is funding this project for tenants of buildings POS, a value of 1.65 million. icemakers The third lane should be built, according to Tonći Vukovic, head of the Department for physical planning documents in the Department for management icemakers of the area of the City of Makarska, within two months. This means that the POS tenants of these buildings at the latest in February should have a safe and modern approach to their buildings off the main road. All necessary documentation has been obtained, and the contractor's company Mikic doo Omis.
Makarska HDZ: We come to the session of the City Council, but we will not support the budget December 10, 2014
Select Month December 2014 (60) November 2014 (166) November 2014 (150) September 2014 (124) August 2014 (107) July 2014 (137) June 2014 (166) May 2014 (193) April 2014 (203) March 2014 ( 231) February 2014 (165) January 2014 (122) December 2013 (211) November 2013 (212) November 2013 (211) September 2013 (204) August 2013 (242) July 2013 (257) June 2013 (68) May 2013 ( 31) April 2013 (29) March 2013 (45) February 2013 (104) January icemakers 2013 (76) December 2012 (107) November 2012 (112) November 2012 (124) September 2012 (95) August 2012 (132) July 2012 ( 155) June 2012 (143) May 2012 (166) April 2012 (14) October 2011 (1)
Dalmatia Ston News: tasting oyster season began (PHOTO) March 23, 2014, the SDP continues to staffing: Nephew Zdravko Mulića employed in the purity of 23 March 2014 "Who protects icemakers Vojislav Stanimirovic and Ljeposava !?" March 23 2014 Removed ekobomba insured and dangerous ruins of the hills (PHOTO) March 23, 2014 insulting graffiti appeared on the headquarters building HDZ 22. ožujka 2014. icemakers Portal Karamarko: When we come to power in the Constitution introduces the concept of 'tuđmanizam' 10 December 2014. Rihanna has quit smoking for allegedly pregnant with ex-boyfriend 10 December 2014. As an example to others: Defence Minister adds swears icemakers that is not spent! icemakers 10 December 2014 The ice rink at the Eiffel icemakers Tower with a fabulous view of Paris! 10 December 2014. 'If no signs of monetization, we will have to raise the price of fuel by 40 lipa' December 10, 2014.
Free Dalmatia New Director of Omis "Waterworks" filed criminal charges on suspicion of corrupt practices multimillion icemakers predecessor December 10 2014 arrives hit performance: the new comedy Indira Kucuk Sorguc will make you laugh till you cry 10 December 2014 Karamarko: The Croatian Constitution, we must introduce the concept of Tudjmanism 10 December 2014. Class divide graders and fourth grade, each study Croatian, second Math 10th December 2014 Zuzu want to save more than 800 thousand euros December 10, 2014. - News MYSTERY near Trogir Seven meters from the shore found the corpse of 10 December 2014 EVACUATION IN LJUBLJANA maniac in a house full of dangerous chemicals threatened: 'I'll blow it up!' December 10 2014 BJELOVARSKI DOCTOR DEATH Renowned physician in seven years blame for the death of ten people? December 10, 2014.
Vecernji list inquiry commission to overhaul MiGs? December 10 2014 Grcic: The realization of projects can for 7 billion euros December 10, 2014 Former JAT Friday again flying from Belgrade to Zagreb, we compared Prices 10. December 2014 Centar beaten down in the ice, Shedden: I was afraid completes icemakers 1:10 10 December 2014 Canjuga: horror, shame! Team lead on Friday, and then I quit! December 10, 2014.

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