Sunday, December 14, 2014

In the parliamentary debate on the draft strategy disposal of nuclear waste, HDSSB member Boro Grub

In the parliamentary debate on the draft strategy disposal of nuclear waste, HDSSB member Boro Grubisic expressed his doubts white mountain ice cream freezer about the secret plans to build nuclear white mountain ice cream freezer power plants in Erdut. The basis for this suspicion was the statement of the SDP member Drazen Pandek that there is no question about the import of nuclear waste. Why the strategy foresee warehouse dimensions white mountain ice cream freezer 72 000 cubic meters, which with the current production can not be completed for 1400 years, white mountain ice cream freezer asked Grubisic. The construction of nuclear power plants in Slavonia was the wrong decision, not only for safety, but for economic reasons, said Mirela Holy (Walnut). Estimates of economic experts are saying white mountain ice cream freezer that it is profitable to build nuclear power 10,000 megawatts, and if we look at the overall infrastructure, we built this cabin, and worked as the building of the palace, interprets Holy. Most clubs strategy seen as a step to solve problems that are not solved 60 years, and as a key question arose as to a nuclear dumps and similar waste. HDZ stressed that the document does not see remains whether government or giving up Trade up as landfill, which is the center for radiological waste and spent a nuclear fuel, which is provided Spatial Plan of the 1999 Independent Damien Cain estimates that the radioactive white mountain ice cream freezer material, most likely, white mountain ice cream freezer stored in abandoned and devastated military facilities, the geological stable areas, along the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Deputy Health Minister Marijan Cesarik representing Strategy, white mountain ice cream freezer said that it represents a step forward in a systematic resolution of this issue in line with best international practice. The issue is that which is not systematically approached the last 60 years, said Cesarik. The main determinant of the Strategy marked the construction and update white mountain ice cream freezer the regulatory framework, institutional and human capacity, a clear division of responsibilities, the establishment of a national center for the disposal of radioactive waste, public involvement in activities arising from the strategy. white mountain ice cream freezer The strategy calls for a location in which to establish a center for the disposal of radioactive white mountain ice cream freezer waste, and the application of a gradual white mountain ice cream freezer approach to the development of this center. white mountain ice cream freezer Croatia has an obligation white mountain ice cream freezer to dispose of half of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel that is currently stored in the nuclear power plant.
I wonder, why Austria white mountain ice cream freezer does not have a single nuclear reactor? I wonder, white mountain ice cream freezer why is big and strongest industrial country of Europe white mountain ice cream freezer Germany, set itself the task, by 2020, unplug all (AKW), atomic white mountain ice cream freezer reactors, which are used for the production white mountain ice cream freezer of electricity? Therefore, because although the cyst, hides most dangerous radiation in the world, which is not reduced even sign 250,000 years. We know, and that is squaring the circle, that neither Germany has not solved the problem of disposal of hazardous radioactive waste! I thought they were all Croatian political parties, came to know, how dangerous it is still today to build a nuclear power plant. Do we not need one Krsko? Let us remember the Halifeelda, white mountain ice cream freezer Chernobyl, Fukushima, and if that is not enough, let the party politicians in the EU and, talk with German, Swedish or Austrian colleagues white mountain ice cream freezer of green or other parties States of the European Union. Nuclear plants are more ancient than in the modern world "out"! However, some countries such as the great nation of France, Russia, and how we see the Slovenian and Croatian, are still not understood, that without the need to, in themselves polluting the environment and thus the future of our children and grandchildren.
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