Monday, April 27, 2015

Copy to: citizens of the city of Remscheid woman Mayor Beate Wilding Social Office of the town of R

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Home news Kandolo's blog refugees from Remscheid demand with an open letter the closure of shared accommodations.
OPEN LETTER - We, refugees from Remscheid want, no longer have to live in collective centers. Collective centers make us sick and Remscheid poorer. Open Letter to download and to sign
on behalf of refugees from Remscheid we will send you an open letter to the refugees. The 60 signatory refugees from refugee camps in Remscheid Lennep, hoshizaki ice maker Lüttringhausen and Remscheid city demanding the closure of shared accommodation and a decentralized accommodation.
The open letter is currently supported by the following organizations and associations: Anti-bearing AG Hamburg Buren group Paderborn Flüchtlingsinitiative Möhlau Wittenberg Refugee Hamburg Women's hoshizaki ice maker Center Nujiyan eV Hamburg International Center House of Peace (IBZ), Bielefeld campaign no one is illegal Cologne Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and migrants MediNetzBonn eV, medical counseling and placement center for refugees refugee solidarity Hannover Medical Tacheles eV, jobless and welfare association, Wuppertal THE VOICE Refugee Forum Transnational Advocacy Alliance, together hoshizaki ice maker Dortmund eV, Association hoshizaki ice maker for Solidarity and Friendship, hoshizaki ice maker Frankfurt am Main
CARAVAN for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants hoshizaki ice maker c / o AZ Wuppertal, Markomannenstr. 3, 42105 Wuppertal Phone: 27 0160 4242 4 Email: wuppkarawane {at] Internet:
Copy to: citizens of the city of Remscheid woman Mayor Beate Wilding Social Office of the town of Remscheid Chairman of the Migration Committee of the city of Remscheid, Mr. Luigi Costanzo to the representations of the parties, the CDU, FDP, Greens, Left and SPD in Remscheid working group "asylum" Remscheid Refugee Council NRW Monika culvert mandate of the Diet, Green parliamentary group
Most of us, about 200 refugees in Remscheid, are obliged, in a confined space to live in collective centers, and can not move in normal homes. hoshizaki ice maker We live in four different properties: one for single men, three for families. In the last part, single women live, some of them with their children. One of them, the home for single men, is actually a shelter: with communal kitchens, toilets and -Bädern.
We pay - or the city of Remscheid - a very high price: The fee is per square meter in the lodging 17.43. This amount consists of 14.67 / sqm fee, 1.19 / m for power, 1.57 heating. Normal hoshizaki ice maker is in Remscheid a square meter price of 5, - for rental. rent paid - for example, in the refugee camp for a family with two children for two small rooms 1,200. The same apartment would normally not more than 300, - cost. Placement in ordinary dwellings would be no problem, because in Remscheid thousands of houses stand empty [1]. The city of Remscheid argued that the high cost would thereby concluded because the fees and the money is for caretakers and social workers. In two homes are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on site caretaker. In the other two homes are available from Monday to Friday, 16h, two layers caretaker on site. The association BAF employs alone for about 40 refugee shelters caretaker. Your only job is, in our view only in our control and our guests. With

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