Thursday, April 9, 2015

News Study of FMUP questions scotsman ice microbiolgica quality ice in the beach of Porto bars 26 p

News Study of FMUP questions scotsman ice microbiolgica quality ice in the beach of Porto bars 26 percent of the samples analyzed with imprpria quality Ice placed in liquor stores some of bathing areas of Porto may not have sufficient quality to be consumed, a study of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (FMUP). The researcher Ana Mendes analyzed in the framework of his master's thesis in Health Pblica presented in FMUP, 23 ice samples from 14 sites in the bathing areas of Porto. The results showed that 26 percent of the samples obtained imprpria quality for consumption. All of the sites observed was classified is not acceptable "because ams hygiene practices in the storage and packaging of alimentcios genres, and failure of structural scotsman ice and functional requirements", as the author. The inexistncia of Washbasin of service scotsman ice with hot and cold water, sabolquido and paper towels, as well as improper packaging products in refrigerators and freezers, without separation of food raw, among others, lead ams food hygiene practices. All these factors scotsman ice lead to a public health threat. The ice contamination can occur through direct manipulation with dust and / or waste during freezing and storage, and through the equipment - ice making machines, grinders , containers and utensils. Ice rarely reported as a source of disease, however it may be implicated as the vehicle cholera outbreaks, gastroenteritis, scotsman ice hepatitis A, among other diseases. To be the ice characteristics maintained, this should be stored in well insulated containers which are regularly cleaned. According to the researcher, "the supply of drinking water, good hygiene and good practices of manipulaoso the prerequisites for producing good quality ice."

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