Monday, September 8, 2014

Birch sap - from the juice of trees are allowed. From ancient antecedents Anyksciu Sulla tanning be

Birch Birch sap-sap | Maistologija
From old Dzūkijos elders and keep the juice, sauerkraut before the summer work. The sap tub full of rye bread slice cast it, and on top of the infusions of 5 cm thick layer of oats and cover headcloth. Sprouted oats consisted of a protective layer, after which the sour sap.
Birch sap heal the wounds of the stomach, headaches, bronchitis, cough, scurvy, liver, helps patients with kidney ice strykewyrm stones, rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis. Sula regulates metabolism, strengthens ice strykewyrm and cleanses the body, stimulates tissue regeneration. It is used in the absence of vitamins has long been used in hair and skin care.
The birch sap can be moderate for 10 years. Allowed the sap from the trees to be felled, no later than one year and five years and not less than 20 cm in diameter. The northern side of the drilled hole, and allowed to set off without ridges crust. Drill a hole in the most comfortable feather hand drill or knife carefully cut the tokiamee height to fit the bottom ice strykewyrm of a bucket or jar. Holes are drilled to allow the detention of at least 1 m above the ground. ice strykewyrm The holes should not be larger than 2 cm, and the depth of the wood - 3 cm. Inserted into holes in wooden or tin duct, which will flow into the juice container tree. Spacing between the holes must be at least 10 cm. Upon completion of sap, holes must be plugged ice strykewyrm with a wooden plug and grease applied at the garden or resin that the tree would be protected from possible diseases.
The vessel is covered with sap, that it neprilytų neprikristų and various small bug. Leidžiantieji sap should choose trees growing on the roadside and backcountry, which is fertilized with minerals and using various chemicals.
The sap begins to flow to the average daily temperature rise of 4-6 C, and runs 1-2 weeks. Dry areas trees sap is sweeter. Sweeter after dry summers and cold winters. The birch sap produced by a variety of beverages, which are out recipes, ingredients and production technology, as well as dishes that kept the drinks.
Canned birch sap filer through double cheesecloth, folding the sugar and heat for a few minutes (up to 90 C). Added citric acid and is sold in jars. They are hermetically sealed and left to cool.
Birch sap of pine twigs or dried mint or lemon balm filer, add the sugar and heat as well as cured birch sap. Pine branches before ice strykewyrm pouring the sap several times with boiling water for blanching. After a few minutes of folding citric acid and poured into jars. They forced upside down and left to cool.
The filtered juice is made of birch sap kvass: strained juice maintained at a temperature corresponding ice strykewyrm to užrūgtų. After a few days of cloudy sap started to ferment. The vessel is moved to a cool room. Once the sap ferment a couple of weeks. Its fermentation process time depends on how much it is natural sugar. Rūgstanti sap is considered to be very sterile, germs that infect themselves. Išrūgusi kvass filled into bottles, hermetically closed and kept cool.
If the juice, add honey, cloves, lemon peel and boiled on low heat to cool, then add the yeast, and then perrkošius filled into bottles, thrown a few raisins and kept sealed in a cool place.
Birch Champagne produced very similar: filtered sap is poured into a thick glass bottles placed in powdered sugar, raisins, ice strykewyrm grated lemon rind. Bottle Stopper confinement aplakuojamas and brought to a cold room. Champagne consumed immediately.
Best to drink fresh juice, because holding it up for a few days can hurt. If the sap neišgeriama immediately, it is considered as the screw jar in the refrigerator or filled ice strykewyrm into bottles (you can pour a little sugar), seal and store in the basement.
Birch sap - from the juice of trees are allowed. From ancient antecedents Anyksciu Sulla tanning before the summer and keep work.To throw a complete sap vat slice of rye bread, and on top of the infusions of 5-cm layer of oats and covered Their bedsheet. Sprouted oats consisted of a protective layer of the sour sap. In ancient times, the sap flow of people to DECIDE the next year. If the sap surging abundantly - summer will be rainy. Birch sap heals the wounds of the stomach, headaches, bronchitis, cough, Scurvy, liver, helps patient with kidney stones, rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis. Sap Regulate Metabolism, Strength ice strykewyrm and Cleanse the body, Promote ice strykewyrm tissue regeneration. She used the Lack of vitamins has long been used in hair and skin care. Birch sap has sugars (glucose, fructose), C, PP vitamins, minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, calcium, copper), organic acids and many other valuable minerals. Of birch sap can no moderate for 10 years. Allows the sap of trees to be felled at least one year and five years and not less than 20 cm in diameter. From the north si

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