Sunday, September 7, 2014

Tap water for sanitary purposes, snow cone supplies but not for cooking. Tooth brushing it really c

I started writing this book two years ago. I really wanted it to be released, because I felt the need for their experience, which I gained six years living and traveling in Egypt, to share with each Lithuanian. I wrote this book, in accordance snow cone supplies with not only their knowledge, but also the most frequently asked questions of tourists. Unfortunately, for the revolution snow cone supplies in Egypt, publisher not interested snow cone supplies in my proposal.
Tap water can be taken - like mushrooms all eat only problem is that some of the once ... Even the Egyptians in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, not drink tap water - bottled in purchasing. Of course, South Egypt - Luxor, Aswan, and so on., The water is softer and better quality than the resorts or in Cairo and Alexandria, and boiled tap water is used for cooking.
The Egyptian bacteria snow cone supplies to your stomachs neprisitaikiusius no one can answer is not advisable to experiment! Tap water to brush your teeth - no trouble, after brushing snow cone supplies your teeth using only a small amount of water, which is not swallows and spits out - so no risk!
Tap water for sanitary purposes, snow cone supplies but not for cooking. Tooth brushing it really can only, of course, do not swallow it. I myself always valausi teeth with tap water and no digestion problems because I did not have.
Do not eat salads that are made from pre-prepared foods (cooked pasta, cheese, sausage, fried vegetables, and so on.), And then covered in yogurt or mayonnaise sauce, and ice cream, as in Egypt, often disappearing electricity, so the ice is defrosted and frozen again, and this not very healthy. Try to combine food - do not eat fish with meat, pasta and rice, and then dessert nesugalvokite not to eat sausage or seafood!
Radically alter the eating habits snow cone supplies of his, portion size, eating time. It is also necessary to wash hands before meals and after food or toilet. Less hands around the mouth or lips, drink plenty of water, use no alcohol for disinfection, and cola.
Also, do not forget that Lithuania is waiting not so loose autumn or winter wear, which spoon-fed belly after hard you can get into, so you may need to change the whole wardrobe! Just keep in mind - every day the same food, and a week after a little taste of everything!
Each resort is truly a seafood restaurant, and if the specialist is not - it is in every food establishment in the wider seafood are sure to find. Of course, if it is important snow cone supplies to food quality snow cone supplies and variety, it is advisable to go to a specialist snow cone supplies fish restaurant. Hurghada recommend El Mina, the beginning of Sakala, or "Star Fish" Sakala Center. This is the best and most prized restaurants on the price-quality ratio. snow cone supplies
Seafood soup and the shrimp, squid and fish a person can set cost about ten dollars. If you ride a big company, it is advisable to book fresh frozen fish, shrimp and squid from windows and worthwhile ordered by weight.
First of all, it is likely due to confusion with local money title and denominations. Egyptian money called - Egyptian pounds, and a hundredth of a pound - piastres. Name and the denomination of the note in a write in Arabic, snow cone supplies on the other side - in English: "Egyptian snow cone supplies pounds (called. Acronym snow cone supplies - the LE). If somewhere in the store conspiracy Russian - Money traders will call "scores of them, and if you speak Arabic, you will hear and Gine" or "Masri" snow cone supplies (Guineas or "Egyptian"). This is - different to the Egyptian pound titles in different languages. How do we call the money the British pound sterling, the British call them "pounds" and the Russians - scores of them!
It is also important to note that the small Egyptian money - piastres can be banknotes and coins. The good news is that they are the only two denominations - 25 and 50 piastres (called. Ticker - PT). Currently used in Egypt 25 piastres - white mites with a hole in the middle, 50 piastres - yellow, reminiscent of our 50 cents (on the Cleopatra shown) snow cone supplies and 1 lb - 2 litas reverse option, ie the center of the yellow and white edge (shown Tutankhamun ) coin.
From my experience, I can only advise snow cone supplies to change snow cone supplies money in banks (or at the hotel in the branch). Exchange rate at the airport a little less, in addition, I have heard that there working bankers rounds snow cone supplies exchanged currency amount to afford a more favorable direction. Change your money at the hotel reception only in the worst case, because there is always lower rates, for example., Where 1 USD today (2010.) Is 5.48 EGP, hotel than $ 1 get 5 EGP best - 5.2 EGP. By the way, keep in mind that the decimal number is rounded, as does

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