Sunday, September 14, 2014

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Metropolis Daily News Pictured: the suspect made suction gold organza bag, according to the "Chongqing Morning Post" reported that you believe it? A fist-sized yarn bags, gold salts into the storage pool, an evening to siphon off tens of grams, or even hundreds of grams of gold. Recently, the Chongqing police have uncovered a chemical means of theft of rare gold stolen gold case, seven workers in the year crazy stole eight kilograms of gold, a net profit of over 200 million. Oddities gold salt consumption exception but the cause could not talk about things from last October. At that time, the town of Shapingba District, West Wing, head of an electronics company to the police, and gold production line for the gilded gold gold potassium cyanide salt solution abnormal loss, consume much faster than usual, but could not find the problem where it is. Potassium cyanide gold plating solution is an expensive, for circuit boards, motherboards gold, increase stability, commonly used in mobile phones, computers. West Wing secretly visited the town police station, police found that the area where there are young men sell high purity powder, may be relevant snowball machine to the case. Workers snowball machine occasional snowball machine sale of gold powder-based company engaged in gold pipeline operations staff can easily access to expensive solution. Police will staff all of gold extracted snowball machine information, visit in the area, so that some people one by one to identify. It was recognized, that from time to time, do not point the mystery man is to sell gold dust and gold line operator company Danmou. Next week, the precious metal appears near the point of purchase some shoeshine, selling newspapers member of the film, they are plainclothes police. After a long observation, plainclothes have arrested 11 suspects. In the year September 2012 to October 2013 multi-time, seven employees of the gold line work, the use of suction gold organza bag of chemical reactions, stealing eight kilograms of gold, the gold price below the same day tens of dollars price, sell Wang and four traffickers, Kuangzhuan black gold over 200 million. 4 mongers and then make the difference, hundreds of thousands of profit. Currently, the police have confiscated 1.38 million yuan of illicit money, stolen goods continues. How special means of suction gold organza snowball machine bag suction gold fist-sized bag of yarn through a chemical reaction is extracted from the plating solution in the gold? The secret lies in the suspect special suction gold yarn bag. They are more active than gold metal fragments put gauze bag, made of suction gold organza bag, tie some weights, so that suction gold sank to the bottom yarn bag, not easy to be found. Just one night, these fist-sized snowball machine bag of yarn magical chemical reaction occurs, active metal will be fine gold particles snowball machine inhaled yarn bag. A yarn bag can be sucked snowball machine into the 50 grams of gold, and sometimes even sucked into the hundreds of grams of gold. Obtained after crude gold, into acid "aqua regia", the high gold content was formed with gun dry out, you can get more than 95% pure gold. Mentoring collaborated to steal a gold 27-year-old is one of the principal high, he and another fellow workers Dumou Hubei. 2008, Dumou told him, you can use chemical methods Pirates gold, get rich quick. So the high of a to an electronics factory in Shenzhen of gold thread work and secretly learning the craft. 2011, the high of a candidate to enter the West Wing this company, with six months to find out the laws of the pipeline and the company management began wantonly stolen gold, after six months, snowball machine profit more than 40 million. "I'm really scared, this method is not a person I know." Ko admitted that in 2012 the spring, when he left the company, give yourself a fortune snowball machine posterior --- reinvent the wheel when closing Jin, cultured few disciples continues to lurk in the factory, steal gold to sell him. (Original title: Photo: snowball machine Workers homemade suction gold organza bag factory 8 kg gold stolen a year)
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