Sunday, September 21, 2014

It had no opinion about anything, had no habits. When did time begin? Where does space end? Is life

It had no opinion about anything, had no habits. When did time begin? Where does space end? Is life under the sun not just a dream? ice slush Is what I see and hear and smell not just an illusion of a world before the world?
Although colorless, odorless and ice unexciting, but whether it is frozen or Japanese tea cafe restaurant sashimi platter, no ice no, while Hong Kong edible ice particles leading sector, and it is the same name as a classical musician Chopin. Its current helm Xiaoyong Bin, his father left the family-born Chopin Snow companies to manufacture edible transition into ice particles and ice-based company, with annual turnover of over one hundred million yuan, in recent years, but moved to the food industry, selling crabs and Korean food .
Although Chopin ice particles and ice business is a brother, but the ice is always a seasonal industry, 萧永斌 sighed: "earn stickers summer winter winter I really Train No Ye do, too good to be busy," the worst thing is the team staff turnover, "transportation commission income account, Ye do not naturally go in winter sun." so he often looking for new development, tried to introduce Korean street food burning squid, also voted for two consecutive years in Victoria Park Lunar New Year Fair shop king to sell snacks, in recent years, concentrating selling crabs and Korean food. He says that he is hairy lovers all over Hong Kong and Kowloon food apart, but will try to Taihu Lake crabs, "Zo lot of people make money, eat crab feed hormones, such as birth canal quickly GOD with explosive paste, but the crab will be tasteless, ice slush drainage teach people point vinegar, food, and other people not know GOD crab Well pretty. "Wudi was unscrupulous traders can earn tray full bowl full, he decided to sell off the field to a buried," Well, I will burst GOD crab cream, but needless to point Vinegar food, eating a mouth finish line Ganxiang o frame. "but did not earn a four-year sell crabs money," my first year Bei Zo Kowloon City Rent a pretty ice slush shop, people fasten Wang Yeah, but all looked straight ahead Link walk through every fence old. "Angrily, he was free to send crab," many people want the police to maintain ice slush order, send Zo me hundreds of thousands, but the second year, the food is too generous people come out and walk back to buy it, are erosion, ice slush but little erosion half. "Pokka put in gear last year, and finally draw to leave, ice slush he hopes this year to make money," do not you agree that everyone Pokka do it, because the supplier to be shipped to Hong Kong nine crab, and refrigerated trucks operating costs good high. "And he wanted shipped to Hong Kong nine ice particles, transported crab just by the way. Little information helm Chopin: Xiaoyong Bin (about 50 years) married with a son and a daughter in 1979: Chopard founded 萧邦生 Snow companies, production and sale of ice cream for 80-90 years: the eldest son 萧永斌 into the company, the introduction of ice particles made from Taiwan machine; ice slush Harbin Ice run after school ice business in 2000: Chopin passed away 04 and 2005: respectively 35 and four hundred and fifty thousand yuan bid for Victoria Park Lunar New Shop king, and burned Korean squid for selling 06 Year: Acting ten thousand ares licensing ice slush crabs 2008: Acting Korean ramen and udon and other food for 10 years: the grocery store to pick up hand goods; Yu Po Lam Pokka Korean food stall operators Pokka Korean tasting good partner to more unauthorized transport fleet,萧永斌 also agents of the large number of South Korean vegetables and frozen foods sold back to Hong Kong, "Japanese ice slush food too many people do, South Korea is relatively small, but with a few Koreans are difficult to do business, Drainage Die Well Well pay attention you pay attention to you, not even a GOD polite. "So he set up in South Korea purchasing, hiring ice slush locals, we hope to communicate easily with simultaneous air, himself a year to five or six times to inspect the business. These Korean goods again in Pokka shelves, everyone words and big supermarkets cooperation is not easy, but he says with a laugh: "In fact, not even a GOD difficult, the most critical and responsible person willing to cooperate with the Mi-speed pins," in other words, when a hundred Good price and opponents plan to fight when the split-off, no money should be fit, "words like drainage to speed sales crabs, I Die pushed promotions ice slush to buy a male to send two Soft Fleece, bleeding Yeah!" Though the crabs and Korean food This two-door business to be a loss, but 萧永斌 think have the power to do business challenges, "ice ancestral, pre-war Bei grandfather ice continent has done, his father in 1979 after the fall of Hong Kong to continue to do, although I must firstborn ice slush Department inheritance, but if only the Department of Ye do the same with, I'm not interested in the Department. "introducing ice machine 萧永斌 often say Chopin is a plate of" small business "but into its warehouse, I saw more than a thousand packs of ice piled as high like a mountain He joked: "Before cafe with a large ice cream for the majority, and then come out and walk the red chiseling cold drink, I Die could have been selling ice cream for the Department, Bei Taiwan eighties I first introduced the system ice machine, ice slush ice wins in convenient health, although initially because nobody bought ten times more expensive, but I give the restaurant a free trial, and then turned around and used on Fan Wu Dao, in fact, needless to please people chisel the ice, the number of Ciwu Duo. "originally made five tons of ice particles every day now risen to five hundred tons, "a system to invest more than a million, but by the water into ice particles and packaging, only five to eight minutes." although he declined to disclose any operational data, but industry insiders refer to Chopin control ice half grain market: "In terms of edible ice slush ice, canal dominance, competitors like De Paul Link is getting ice slush smaller canal annual turnover of millions of dollars certainly Maori should Sancheng.." to take the ice Rex Chopin Chairman of the Group 谢炳顺 said: "Drainage ice slush price may Ciwu Duo with others, but wins in the team is strong, never thrown at the end." In fact, Xiaoyong Bin considerable drop of the training team, there are sixty Department of refrigerated trucks, round the clock supply of ice Reap to Hong Kong and Kowloon restaurant. An employee's salary with the car also has eighteen thousand yuan, a staff said: "The old record fine for a good partner, someone to move cargo injured himself drove drainage canal first time into the hospital; meals out and hit the old fine, Drainage will help you pay for. "
In addition to ice particles, the Chopin also weddings, the hotel offers ice, but once the supply of an ice cream bar to Veronica Yip nude photos as props, and helped ice slush Ford carved ice slush an ice car. After a lot of these ice from 萧永斌 hand, he said the fastest twenty minutes to complete a half the height of the ice, visit the same day, he impromptu demonstration, using a chainsaw to briquette saw a prototype of a swan, and then skate modification , a good half-hour engraving head swan, he Qian said: "Haonai not do it, too rough," he learned from the Harbin ice technology, "Do not want to mention ice slush hard, really ice slush very cold, southerners good difficult to adapt to the local weather, and good ice carving effortless. "unaccompanied Arts, several times wanted to give up," real will recite, then GOD Department of human nature. "fight on the whole for breath," then should the Department of the early nineties, Grand Master carving an ice sculpture ice slush to charge five hundred mosquito processing fees, and I sell 俾佢 old ice cream for only fifty mosquito Department! drainage Link Haozhuan, as so I come out and walk after endured a winter, "learn to return to Hong Kong, it was Laughing he is not beautiful, he thought: "Man Die artwork ice slush Department, the Department of merchandise to me, but every piece sold one hundred thirty mosquito!" endless business, carving 15 blocks a day on average, more than thirty Christmas seat. Now he has little shot, all to apprentice, married employees, will personally carved ice slush one pair of swans as a gift. By low salaries hands Xiaoyong Bin will not only carved ice sculptures, ice and even when transported, he settled down and employees together to move the hand, "I do not know how to teach people point to you?" He teens will help the company, "I Bei mainland born, arrived in Hong Kong secondary school, but every holiday on the company helper, into a full-time post-secondary school graduates do. "his ice slush father wanted him to start from a low daily Tai Tai Tam Tam, delivery and experience various aspects of society," shipped together with the father tried to go fishing gear briquette, a fine old fishing gear sat buried while playing thirteen, I Dizhu canal a partner in mind a few pounds of weight scales Zo generous 䱽 fish Biren, to receive a passenger one hundred mosquitoes but find nine hundred mosquitoes. "Since he knows to do the old fine to myself. Living ice slush in Tai Po, Casa Marina, he arrived at 6 am every day Yau Tong office, "I am the first one to return the company ice slush to open the door." Never leave, he joked that genetic, "My father seven-year-old company are secondary return until Ten years ago passed away. "at the age of seventy-three. He seldom with the family, "Bei earners an American, a reading of Hong Kong, needless to accompany me. As for my wife, if I Chengri accompany drainage, got the business fails, only the clothes ice slush on cattle weep, it would be business is booming, each There are various play. "
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