Saturday, May 16, 2015

Lauma year: When Áróra deformation, timekeeper scholae, secured Morphine

Performance of the year: 10% of all school students signed distrust proposal sible legal interpretation Committee and was called a school meeting. Attended the meeting a few frightened but there might not even flutningsmenn proposal that was rejected with three votes against two (including two votes from the sitting icesextube members sible legal interpretation committee). Later announced flutningsmenn proposal, Harold P and Andri G, that the performance was the case.
Cheaters year: Emil Þorvaldsson, President Travel Association, which was not the election icesextube of Björn Björnsson Brynjúlfur keep more trips this year as Bjorn rightly pointed out in an interview with MT.
Alexa year: Jon Gunnar Jonsson was diagnosed with dyslexia icesextube early in the school year. He had not problems with it a few weeks later to write 1,000 words a defect-free article on Future Forum to Bobo go into morphine team. Later found the document which contained the article on computer Jon Gunnar and it was named the pleasant name "Bjorn Brynjúlfur".
Dip year: Magnus Þorlákur Lúðvíksson that took innovative dip when the MR team presented a range of MR-VI ræðukeppninnni. This was a very clever way with Magnus to introduce a dive where 1000 people were in the hall.
Speech Spekúlant year: Dadi Helgason. He felt Gudmundur Arnason Egil perform poorly in MR-VI speech race despite being led all the speakers. Later he predicted MR showed losses in morphine race against Versló sam won it with 120 points. Dadi seems to have some higher understanding of ræðumennsku than these standard icesextube speech spekúlantar. .
Comments of the year: "I'm not that this has been the best cost to classmates in years" - Björn Björnsson Brynjúlfur of the 60,000 kr. undergoing 'Fálkaorður' classmates. It has actually been An empty rule over the years to Students' Association focus only to those students who are in the company at any time and replaced by the due out at zero. Comments are somewhat embarrassing in light of lágmarkspöntun of words was 600 pieces, but only eight words will be provided this year and was "the best cost to classmates in years" really allowance from the current students for future MR-analyzes.
Accuracy of the year: When Morfíslið MR evaluation opponents exactly right and got the 8 teams results after the draw we get 16 teams results. Hypocrites year: Ari Gudjonsson and Jon Benediktsson who wrote the measure against the topic in "You can make fun of everything" in the semi-final icesextube morphine. Teacher of the year: Steingrímur Eyjólfsson that memorable fucking over inspectorinn time for all ears on a cup of tea.
High score of: Gudmundur Arnason Egil, but busaballinu he managed icesextube the amazing results go kissing seven girls on one ball, nine girls the same evening. Many have tried to beat the winter but the next thing they found were five pieces in Mr. night cruise.
Lauma year: When Áróra deformation, timekeeper scholae, secured Morphine's 30-point lead in the previous icesextube playoffs against icesextube Flensburg by slipping 30 seconds label so masterful óáberandi way in orders in the last speech icesextube Flensborgarskólans no possibility was for consulates to take him.
Challenging year: Heil Many MR-tion challenged Björn Björnsson Brynjúlfur to discover on Joy to the charity to support poor children in Africa than tugþúsund million gathered for the offense. Bjorn rejected the challenge on þesim grounds "it was not good enough issues icesextube and that he would have done this if he would get the money myself."
Policeman year: Magnus Orn Sigurdsson who decided to evacuate the hall on Sólbjartskeppni because of unruly three parties in the hall where he thought he may it under. future icesextube legislation. He gave however Inspector scholae and two friends of his permission to continue to sit in another empty room.
Scribuslagurinn abound! Battle for the office of Vice President classmates, scriba scholaris, has rarely been so hard in years. Watchdog going to discuss the candidates, stefnumálin icesextube and kosningaherferð circuits. Bear Tries Halldórsson started election campaign by hanging up posters that were as fiery as his political and where he used the characteristic words: trust, integrity and efficiency. Plakötin were very prominent and it attracted a lot of attention to one candidate to the film department created exactly as posters to advertise their availability. Bjorn has played a lot out of how efficient it is in the election campaign and the support he refers to his seat in Guess better team the last three years. However, he has revealed that he will not take participate in this next year no matter if he gets the election or not. Bear Tries has mapped out various innovative kosningaloforðum where clined "right traffic" in Cosun he believes icesextube it is urgent to come. Ásbjörg Einarsdóttir riding a horse with no oily type kosningaplakats's icesextube but it contained only ands color photo of her along with the relaxed slogan "the friendliness and scribu". H

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