Saturday, May 30, 2015

News on food 1. August 2008 KL. 15:34 Soft-ice is no bacteria in r When heat wave hits the country,

News on food 1. August 2008 KL. 15:34 Soft-ice is no bacteria in r When heat wave hits the country, increasing sales of ice - not least by the popular soft ice cream. This year, ravaged not by bacteria.
The new machine requires much less manual cleaning than the old. Previously, all disassembled and the remaining ice cream thrown out every night. It is not necessary, change the day on which the machine automatically HMMER bakterievkst twice the ice locations and only requires a minimum of daily cleaning.
The newsletter is sent every Thursday at 14. As part of your free subscription to Politiken twice the ice locations newsletters you will also occasionally receive service messages with current information twice the ice locations and offers from Politiken.
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