Monday, May 18, 2015

Well, the clouds last weekend at least have graced my Patù from totofoto (which sometimes extends v

... For those who, like me, always wants to do too many things! So, today's recipe for a fast post fast for a photo (almost) fast, to those taken in the dreary weekend that you need (much) soft cream light (which is small) and then you look in the pot, and that anyway, then , a few days later (the same gray sky and the same inordinate need bright colors), open the folder images, peek inside thinking "sailor, I'll find my blog today?" and the first thing you ask yourself is whether or immediately after, against all your daily habit maybe yes, maybe that's just the day when you will need to ask your program of post photographic production to make miracles ... In the end you just the usual four things on the cross (type trim the edge of the window and give you one, two, three strokes of blush ;-)) a few pictures, and then call Monsieur Patù to put the usual, big question, which at best is "this soft cream or this? ", while at worst it can get to" this, or this, or this, or this? Otherwise there's this, but too little depth of field, but beautiful light, or this, but I do not like because here 'These two are too stacked, and here, on the other hand, I messed to put the fork turn ... ah, no, wait, where are you going, then there are the horizontal ones ... ".
Well, the clouds last weekend at least have graced my Patù from totofoto (which sometimes extends via web to the border west of the Empire), and have meant that the question was only type 1. While I was doing, But I ran a "but equal?", and Patu left with a laugh, soft cream and "I think you're answering for itself ... both are fine (they are identical)" .. That is to say that despite the psycho-test photo that the undersigned should serve as self-analysis, she (myself, not me eh? -P), also with three photos on the cross due to lack of light, would the hour to rack their brains to figure out if, how, what and when, every time! Some recipes come in handy. Type this. Because if you have a family, a job, a blog, even a etsy shop where you delight yourself uploading short articles and packaged with your hands (a house to clean, we want mettercela or make everyone understand how a bit 'too much outside of your priorities?), in principle, should not you can afford the luxury to tinker on photographs soft cream after shooting. And here it is where the recipe for life-saving, time-saving, and salvacena salvadispensa (for extreme cases in which they occur acutely all these need to see here), and that, if it is a little, well you carry it to work the day after and is also good cold. This is a pie of rice (I go crazy for "things of rice") and mixed vegetables, baked almost everything together, soft cream and with the addition of dried tomatoes that give it that wee bit of character, soft cream and with the addition of sesame seeds that are a bit 'ricercatina .... It comes from a number of La Cucina del Corriere della Sera of a couple soft cream of years ago, I say no, three, exactly in November 2009, and I will propose again (photos included ), with appropriate rounding, made to test the flexibility of the thing. Because if a recipe framed in the category "salvacena", or "salvadispensa", or both, then must be able to do with what you need to finish, like that zucchinetta there, who is left alone in the fridge soft cream and you can not imagine a propro use, as well, on the spot, or two eggs that should be used before the expiration date stamped on the shell, or the remnant of rice ... What I think it is essential, as I mentioned above, are dried tomatoes, soft cream and sesame, then, for the rest, eggplant soft cream instead of zucchini and chard instead of spinach, for me it's all good! (Now I say the eggplant comes to mind that perhaps a version that combines eggplant with dried tomatoes and replacing grain with feta cheese, evil-evil should not be .... well to the imagination and live the cleanups fridge ;-)) I write my own version, with the original brackets pie rice with vegetables and sesame ingredients 160 g of round rice (280 g of rice up) 1 zucchini 4 leaves of Swiss chard (80 g of spinach) grated cheese in abundance (70 g) (20 g basil) soft cream 10 dried tomatoes (8) sesame seeds to taste (2 tablespoons) 2 eggs (1 dl milk) olive oil salt Peel and cut into cubes and grossly respectively zucchini and chard, then let them boil with the rice in salted water for the cooking time indicated in the package (in my case, 12-13 ', I have kept al dente, about 10'), with dried tomatoes chopped ( I do not have it cooked, I've inserted directly during baking-oven). Pour rice and vegetables in a large pot, then season with the grain, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil, tomatoes, basil if you use it, add salt and mix stretching

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