Monday, May 5, 2014

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FOLLOW THIS ARTICLE pellet ice maker PREVIOUS ARTICLE FROM THE ADMIN POSTKAN. Ustaz Azhar Idrus Clearing (Original) about UAI & family photos scattered eat McD .. "This is not a city of Johor Baru, Ambe xmakan in adjacent tp MCD MCD, a friend of JB tu buy ice cream for the kids. Glasses filled with water coffe Nescafe want to purchase water perfumed friend dr shop next door. xmakan apa2 wife already. Such a sentence sound ... That the courtiers-saplings dock Umno slander, please repent.
Hopefully unanswered was all confusion and malicious pellet ice maker slander ..... to the fans, the fans and Ustaz Azhar Idrus pengkagum fast unfazed's so calm and read first what the admin wrote bebelum want to remove any comment and argument ... Do not Terjah play blindly and condemn pellet ice maker knocked comment. Omak YOU
Azhar Idrus said, Ambe (I) do not eat at McD but McD next to chairs and tables ..... but it was enough for us to know if McD's is obviously not owned by KFC. Friends of JB who buy ice cream for his coffee ...... the water glasses filled with water Nescafe bought from the shop next friend ..... Nescafe Logikkah someone pellet ice maker buys water from another store and then go grab a glass from McD or KFC Nescafe pellet ice maker for fill water? What stores sell water adjacent Nescafe with the contents on your palm? L ... l .... l ..... l .... tray on the table is enough to prove everything. Everybody knows it is not McD.Kalau McD's tray is a tray KFC. Is ice cream purchased by his friend to his son served in the tray? The tray there is a receipt ..... what to buy ice cream for his son Azhar then given along with the receipt? The most funny and most ridiculous of all is the water content of Nescafe purchased from the store then fill the glass McD. I was next to McD, then I bought about Nescafe water from the adjacent shop from where I sit down and take the empty glass to fill water at McD Nescafe that I bought. Logic? Lost motion .... Hindustan beb ...... Kah kah kah .... l .... ....... McD coffee glasses. Former KFC nugget tray tu .... now if there is a tray mat promotional paper tray seems like McD. indeed natang laaa! 19 November, 2012 08:54
Anon 8:54 What a stupendous detail yet find fault org! YG kecik2 all seem ko! But co-blind, deaf and dumb when: 1. Bilion2 public money sucked cult leader known co aka syaitan2 2. Muslims insulted by chua sex lek in terang2an 3. Malpractice and abuse of power by yg byk umporno exposed pencacai Policy umngok! 19 November, 2012 16:36
Oh .. love it .. love him anymore bnyak2 rods ... even penah ak je tu .. ustaz for mcm MCD pnjam glasses of water as follows nk share ngan kwn ak .. pa problem? Ko was not there tnjukkan YG pressed between two fingers video nk mkn kt McD .. Poor ko ni .. Nostalgia sgt DGR dock n talk ustaz Fath ustaz mat Malaya la ni ... hihi 19 November, 2012 17:15
Muslim org died there-here, diaib. Degraded. Org ridiculed all due to the birth of such a "Disassemble tembelang" and "Rakab" on God's earth, Org Islam will continue Disgraced if bangsat2 still will never find one another and divide Islam. Rabbi musuh2 Islam is destroyed and press row sesame pellet ice maker Let the enemies of Islam can not intervene pellet ice maker ... Aminnn 19 November, 2012 19:23
I agree with gabby Disassemble ... explanation UAI reluctant to mcm tu ... tp yelah right logic hardcore followers UIA which can accept others show error UAI ... what he was a very infallible to not make one man lgsung ... man 19 November, 2012 20:38
Anon 16:36 TITLE: Temptations are eating McD UAI answer lies juak2 Fel. But do you dock melalut other pasai not understand why kalu better docking silent kalu tu right thing even though it received ajalah pahittttt. pellet ice maker Is it all right if Ustaz betul2 see the picture. 20 November, 2012 20:45
Bahlol ... this is not about the issue of fraud bebagai ... this question lebai funny Pak 'cleric' forte invite Azhar .. owang boycott mc d Mes ... her own for her child eating ice cream mc d .... meme. . ble in emperor cleric later ..... funny comedian and storyteller current era December 16, 2012 10:20
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Weather Parit Buntar
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