Friday, May 30, 2014

The cost for each wedding service in extremely expensive but Kanye West did not hesitate to spend m

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Kim Kardashian is probably one of the happiest how to make hot ice brides world when her husband, rapper Kanye West had money lavished extravagant wedding ceremony, splendid past week. Before the official ceremony took place in Italy, Kim and Kanye has invited relatives and friends to eat dinner at the castle of Versailles, outside Paris. The couple also have nearly a week playing, shopping at the magnificent city of France.
The cost for each wedding service in extremely expensive but Kanye West did not hesitate to spend money on everything becomes perfect. First may be mentioned the price of stunning wedding dress that Kim wore during the ceremony. Long lace fishtail skirt slender Givenchy Haute Couture by design firms cost about $ 500,000. Daughter Kim, North West 1 year old baby, also dressed Princess of Givenchy prices are not cheap.
In addition, the U.S. also carry a multitude of beautiful dresses to expensive 5 star hotel Villa San Michele in Florence, Italy during this important event. "Her Closets full of clothes and shoes," Vannelli designers share Gualtiero on to us. Private brand Balmain shoes that Kim had pierced the bride $ 40,000.
Next, rents ancient fortress Forte di Belvedere in Florence to organize the wedding of up to $ 410,000. 6m high wall flower in wedding Kanye costing $ 136,000. This is a work by the staff of the oldest flower shop Florence, Fiori Della Signoria, done.
Kanye also hired renowned opera singers Italian, Andrea Bocelli and perform. Andrea Bocelli-paid invitation ranged from $ 136,000 to over $ 1 million, depending on the level of Kanye acquainted with this diva. Bocelli sang along with the other artists and Ave Maria Con te Partiro when Kim walked into the ceremony.
The cost hundreds of guests from the U.S. to France and Italy is not small. Price per passenger plane from Paris to Florence at about $ 74,000. Add to that the cost of travel by car costs about $ 70,000 (with a population of nearly 50 cars built).
To appear glamorous guests at the wedding, the couple Kim also spend money to hire expert makeup. People how to make hot ice magazine said this amount how to make hot ice up to $ 65,000. Also, not to mention hundreds rent rooms for wedding guests. Rents for 100 a night hotel room at the Westin Excelsior up to $ 68,000. Price 5 star hotels Hotel George V in Paris, each about 750 USD.
That's not to mention the cost of the party from France to Italy. According to E! News, invoices sumptuous feast at the castle of Versailles in Paris is $ 3,200. The menu wedding party in Italy also tens of thousands of dollars.
Cat Odyssey Andrea Bocelli: From $ 136,000 to $ 1.3 million
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