Thursday, May 1, 2014

Until just at home, the car seems to creep around the house. Cars who else if not the big boss car.

"Mom, have you finished? Let "Nissa Jenn finished jewelry clothes Mrs. Malissa. After a week of sitting in the hospital mr whippy machine finally came out well today. Alhamdulillah. All safe. Mommy she was already slowly healthy.
"Mom want to stop any before? Yuyu can stop "Nurul Nissa drive slow. Occasionally, he glances up at the independent Mommynya fatigue. mr whippy machine Still looks weak. His face was still pale. Do not know why the sudden spike Mommy hypertension. He was unconscious and continued in kerjarkan to the hospital. Worried think temperament him?
"Back straight. Mom want to break the "eyes still closed. He's lazy everywhere. He head-frame drafting a plan to consolidate his son with his cum Hasrul close friend, She is.
Until just at home, the car seems to creep around the house. Cars who else if not the big boss car. Huh, yet it does not face other people? He then him into a parking space next to the passenger door. Mommy opened the door to get out. He papah Mommy slowly. Guests in front of him did not ignore. Lazy her mind yet not in the law.
"Rosni, already long reach. Sorry we are late. Invite in. "Mrs. Malissa invited his good friend into the house. Eh, It was not noticed She is there at all. Ades, she said I must brazen disregard for reason yet.
Quick he reached mr whippy machine to put the water jug. Without thought long he Sunquick water mix. After quickly. He opened the refrigerator and remove the ice. Glasses mr whippy machine arranged on a tray. Then she check on the cake for serving. There seems to be only a chocolate cake in the fridge. He cut and arrange on a plate. Then she lay on a tray.
"Hasrul, trying to see what Nissa kitchen doing over there. Help him yes "She is a child telling the young men. Since until she was silent. mr whippy machine But after staring at his eyes Nurul Nissa.
"Thanks, but no thanks" said Nurul Nissa. Tray of glasses he adopted. Jug and saucer cake she just looked blank. Oops, which fits hand? Watch two je ni? Never mind, bawak glass tray first. Then take a jug of water in this cake.
"Hey, you. Do It. She is later what the word "Nurul Nissa lagging well. Near the hand he still held the jug of water and a plate of cake. Hailah. Patience alone la. Hasrul stride without ignore bebelan Nurul Nissa.
"I do not drink Sunquick. Make Nestlo be? "Hasrul entry to the kitchen. Nurul Nissa no question. He achieved mug and brew Nestlo. He lazy to answer questions. Quarrel far. He was not in the mood.
"Hey, do not shoot very much milk. Later sweet. I want a little less water ice park "Hasrul menengur each Nurul Nissa actions. in fact he wanted to draw attention to Nurul Nissa talk with him. Angry he was willing as long as Nissa Nurul willing to speak with him. But see Nurul style Nissa compliant, follow all instructions he was given. Prior to this he was a lot of fighting. Abstinence is the direction. Longing to 'Jenn Nissa' the first. Cheerful and happy not 'Nurul Nissa' this. Moody and lethargic.
Although she smiles in front of other people. But she saw that smile I smile as sweet as before. Sometimes he's like drifting in her own world. He sink in more. He was quiet in the noise. He was sad in joy. She was crying in laughter. So Jenn Nissa dislike to him? No more sorry to for him? He sighed again.
"Mom, She is my first upload so. To send bags Mommy jap "Nurul Nissa sat a few moments with their guests. But it seemed he could not bear to sit linger there. He felt like a stranger. Do not know to intervene, awkward mr whippy machine and uncomfortable.
"I help post. Let's "stand fast Hasrul and travel bags from Jenn Nissa hand. He was heading towards the stairs. He stopped briefly turned mr whippy machine to Jenn Nissa still rigid stand. Hi, Nissa. Ripple obvious discomfort on her face. But Hasrul indifferent it all. He needs to act to jernihkan condition.
Nurul Nissa had to contend again. He lazy to fight, argue and fight. Tired of all the people he treats. Tired of her care everyone. Her heart, feeling he is nobody cares. mr whippy machine She was crying, she was sad, he was disappointed, he was injured, he was angry, he hates. All alone. No one knows, and to know. All alone. mr whippy machine He felt isolated. He felt isolated.
"Nissa, the eye can I. I do not know how another way to get forgiveness from you. Please excuse I "Hasrul appeal. He knelt next Nurul Nissa. If the price he had to pay. He was willing to lower the dignity of her.
"Jenn Nissa. I know I do a lot wrong. Many make you angry, hurt, sad. But believe me, I had no intention. I really

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