Sunday, May 4, 2014

Kak Jue: we like. but abi cooks rice on the stove. Yana: Auni MMG, then he should hurt her mother w

I mc today, because of what? As usual Auni HFMD've spread it on my hand. Up of small dots of red and watery at hand. Adli was wrong, I was due to be laughing with the doctor. HMFD already be too old. Which I know, Auni antibody've taken over me.
I hope I'll have no Adli, the doctor says it's ok if I continue breastfeeding, tapiii abi tak to. I was already konfius this. What I do, I wring tu je la milk for jewelry. Huhuuu! I think I will give JE in Adli, no antibodies it into the milk itself. I looked also in case of fever tu mamat reason injek both legs that day, everything is still ok. Means, breast milk is mujarablah. frozen yogurt machine
So, I take this opportunity [CEH like Raya greeting] hahaaa, I want to run LETS je recipe potato puree and pureed pears. Not a hatchet frozen yogurt machine Omak this Adli with puree recipe. Abi was my support for this castle last I said, 'want to teach Adli eat rice, so if you do not like Auni, not like rice' after all I have read an article, we Malaysians staple food is rice, so the rice perkenalkanlah on baby's first foods .
Reasons tu la, the then-first water park starch in milk. Water while boiling rice though ... I want to find manalah water use starch when cooked pot Electricity, would be shock. Cook rice using a pot on the stove? ERK, I do not know how. Hahaaa. frozen yogurt machine
Peel the potatoes and pears, wash up clean confident. Cut the cute-cute love hearts follow. Steam. [Since this steamer right there. It's kind of hard other] Blend potatoes and pears separately, let cool for a moment. Use a little water. Put in ice cube trays. Sejukbekukan as usual. Puri congee + + anchovy potato puree smooth = no good. Hahaaa. Throat mother Adli. Adli throat ok je.
happy holidays in the village .. same kak Jue not even know how to cook rice on the stove .. huhuhu .. hope Auni speedy recovery .. and all .... Adli maknya hopefully grow strong and fit 13 April 2012 08:34
alhamdulillahhh Auni'm fine sikitt infectious kat mak .. he pulak yer .. hope you guys and bam bam .. Adli Adli strong right ....... yer going home village .. nice trip went smoothly, even same kt horeyyyy want blk also .. padehal kg kg xdelah far .. even .. x played mane toll already hihihihi frozen yogurt machine 13 April 2012 08:40
Thank God Auni'm fine pulak yg x tp uminya healthy .. siannye cha .. May be tempuhinya patiently and hopefully a speedy frozen yogurt machine recovery .. Wow srnok kg .. We hope to return safely go & back .. Happy Weekend dear :) 13 April 2012 18 : 43
eheh .. can plaque infectious anak2 healthy = P Alhamdulillah .. waaah kak EINA'm looking forward seal jd shop around puri2 cute .. hehe .. ni want to find the ex-gak la ni .. giant cube DGT jer .. lalala .. hee ~ tp Hakeem lmbt lg la .. Huu ~ 13 April 2012 20:19
Kak Jue: we like. but abi cooks rice on the stove. Yana: Auni MMG, then he should hurt her mother was right. MMG confirm. I'll have to hope Adli. kak anis: Adli increasingly active. why do byk tu kasi eat. kak Yanti: ahaha, when've made Last of felt to make again and again. if it does not make sense odd turn. eima: I am yet been tried with pumpkin again. bg thanks me ideas. eija: thanks eija. Alhamdulillah, pain takpe mother, aunt maintain je. kak ieyna: ahahahaa ... Hakeem already frozen yogurt machine start formula right? what we read, baby mnm this formula can be given as early as 5 months frozen yogurt machine mkn. kak nad: 1-yes sis, ice cube MMG will have to close. 2-high city, Johor. 3-t/kasih kak nad. 4-God willing. akmafaizal: oh, this must choose this. buah2an try again. MMG but not iPod sgt already, huh baby throat just about to learn, if possible, a side dish and stuffing bg already. 17 April 2012 08:51
<center> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""></a></center>
Jamaliah Abdul Rani - Jan. Hazirah Hasan - Mar Juliana Johari - August Haslina Hamid - May Suraya (SueIzzSyawal) - Mei Norzieyana Sayuti - May Rahifah Abd Aziz - Aug Nor Idayu Omar - September Nor Azilah Abd Razak - Aug Faizah Mohtar - Oct.
sisFaiz-Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr
2014 (20) April 2014 (5) Mar 2014 (2) February 2014 (5) January 2014 (8) 2013 (140) December 2013 (9) November 2013 (5) Oct 2013 ( 11) September 2013 (8) Aug 2013 (7) July 2013 (9) June 2013 (11) May 2013 (14) April 2013 (21) March 2013 (15) February frozen yogurt machine 2013 (14) January 2013 (16) 2012 (200) December 2012 (14) November 2012 (17) May 2012 (12) 2012 (15) May 2012 (11) July 2012 (17) June 2012 (18) May 2012 (18) April 2012 (18) catharsis for me. Auni friendly. Have proper idle. Cabinet puree. There is already a lot. Among the beautiful and me. The war begin. Sleep discussion. Hooorey! Auni HFMD. I am even more. Auni and Adli. Liver therapy. Puree frozen storage period. Broccoli puree one step ahead. Story

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