Tuesday, May 6, 2014

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Mr. Reitoko already 5 months old. Means was 5 months Reitoko serve me. Muahmuah love! When the phase of the sonata's reitoko snow season, I mean reitoko turned into an icy cave, very difficult I want to pull out the stomach laci2 reitoko when to access zahra EBM. The first drawer door was difficult to bukak & close. Until the door crashed broken drawer tuh, gara2 thick ice sgt. Hohoho .. when've mcm tu, my la do not want to be operating Defrost / de ice! Defrost Freezer important to make sure to operate more efficiently, reduce energy consumption & easy kite want access brg2 viewed the freezer.
I've made over reitoko 2kali defrost. The first time, messy & time taken was quite long, about 1 hour more. As xberapa correct technique, reitoko not fully defrost, ice byk yg still missing. 2nd time i ni da betul2 plan, provide sufficient tools & strategies organized well enough. So I managed to defrost reitoko viewed only 45 minutes! Bravooooo!
Mudah2an this way I can help kalians do defrost process easy and happy! Yela, what's troubling when to defrost wat ni, tu EBM2 camne NNT? Not broken? I melted into? Tools needed: towels spoon batik fabric width 3 Containers / Trays Wood Ladle / apa2 who does not scrape ice sharp tuk tuk electric kettle cooked hot old newspaper! STEP 2 tuk defrost initiated lightning fast! 1. Cooked hot water first. 2. Freezer es kelapa muda Switch. On park ngadap freezer fan switch, auxiliary liquid process faster, I aje on ceiling fans, wind ade promise huhuhu. 3. Laci2 freezer Remove one by one.
YG Reitoko snowy, laci2 immediately released reitoko 4 dr stomach. Stocks Protect EBM / frozen food. Method 1: Alaskan batik cloth cleaning the floor in the living spaces, YG kalians cold temperature. Batik works to absorb ice-be melted. es kelapa muda Sort drawer above last batik.
Wet another piece of batik cloth, wet wet wet yer not drenched. Close the batik cloth wet on last drawer. This tuk sure EBM & frozen food stocks remain cold & slow melting temperature.
Method 2: Wrap stock EBM / frozen food in newspapers, and move the dip cooler bag / ice box, keep cool to room temperature. How should this mean to kalu kalians clean the drawer, es kelapa muda but the timing will defrost up skit la yer. 5. Put a towel / cloth around the freezer to thaw ice YG will be absorbed immediately. Lf no flood kang oo oo flood our Ummah flood water rose water aaa oo oo! 6. Pour boiled water boiling to cook a new kind of container tray width. Put bekas2 hot water dip each rack drawer freezer. Hot steam will accelerate ice melt. Prepare a container for clean towels & ais2 melting fast.
hohoho ... bole wat ABC nih, snowy ice camp sebesen huhuhu 8. Dip a towel into hot dip & kat pekapkan the hard-frozen ice. Tonyoh2 division which hard ice repeatedly until tu tu thin layer of ice. 9. Convertible hot water ngan new kalu should I change the 2 times hot water. Let the hot water vapor continue the ice melt, while kalians continue working right ngan towels absorb water so that no flooding occurs.
Lap2 wring, wring mop, wring lap2, go to la already. es kelapa muda 10. When the ice melts finish, clean ngan Febreze or 3 tsp baking soda + 1 liter of water to de pungent smells. Wipe the entire es kelapa muda freezer to dry betul2. Rearrange the freezer drawer dip switch on the back switch & Freezer. Completed a 45-minute defrost your freezer!
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