Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Friday, the end of school holidays has come for the weekend. mr whippy machine Weekend to make the

Friday, the end of school holidays has come for the weekend. mr whippy machine Weekend to make the session mr whippy machine when the ramp puree :) longings to home or longing for measuring shopping center.
Sigh? This sacrifice in the name of marriage. That's the most significant change when becoming a mother to two love hearts and also the wife of a country called trusts. Laughter in tears. Shoot the story, do not want emo early this morning. Euro 2012 will be held. Hurey, go go German.
Referring to the question above, I am very pleased mr whippy machine to share the experience, how to manage the ever-frozen puree frozen the atmosphere set me every weekend. Thank God, that was 8 months Adli own mother cooking meals. This weekend I'll provide a wide variety of menus to freezing. Everything I've put in a bowl, tupperware, ice trays which are all covered mr whippy machine by the number of days.
How to manage cow's milk, so also arrange frozen puree. In the evening mr whippy machine I will send down to the common cold. The next morning mr whippy machine before mr whippy machine I shower, I will only heat the puree into rice porridge Warmer. And another castle I'll break it down according to the menu I like.
Menu this week is, puree puree of boiled chicken + rice porridge, puree soup pureed vegetables + rice porridge and pureed fruit puree dragon + porridge. Once I'm ready, I add pureed rice porridge in the last Warmer separate side dishes, stir. Warmer small je. So, do not fit to plug everything. When all is ready, put it in a bag, supplies for Adli.
In home nanny, Adli eat three times. Morning, afternoon and evening. Kak Ana will heat up with rice in the electric rice cooker. Shopping night, my mother would give this lazy Adli eating biscuits with milk Milna or NESTUM only. Hahaaa. It is like that every day until the weekend to meet again.
I am very lucky to have a nanny called Ana's sister, helped by a maid he is fully supportive of breastfeeding, and also solid-made food their mother. Sometimes when I could see the menu, it simply kodoknya I will ask him. He will share any other menu for my mother for her child.
NESTUM and biscuits also I provide for her, just so the only jewelry. Sometimes he gave as well. Taking Eima opinion, I teach Adli eating solid-food process, not necessarily just that. I want to teach him a variety of food flavors. Importantly, the first solid-food should be made mother. I got a sense of how difficult true Auni to eat rice when its first solid-food is NESTUM. God willing, they will get used to it, we give them the best.
Referring to the question above is, for now Adli eat whatever mother serve. Never did he eat, eat but can not finish because he had a fever and sore throat. Sister Ana daily activity report Adli, he eats, he jumps, he had been cast, he went on, he can be something. I'm always happy with the care and reports Sis Ana. I'm proud of Adli.
Once again I am very grateful, because Adli not fussy about eating. Maybe he was already familiar with my mother's milk taste the various flavors of food. He already mr whippy machine eat cheese mr whippy machine biscuits as Auni sister, eat bread, eat cake soft textured, tiger biscuits, cookies radius. She is able to chew very well.
The important thing is, your mother or father must be monitored and alerts each time he takes the biscuits. You know, confidence is not thickened. mr whippy machine Choking coral. And when I introduce a new menu, I will ask the sister Ana, popoo its ok or not. Hiii.
This Norerfan Adli bin Norerwandi. Green Note: I do not how this mother to be very industrious, so all things even if I do not want to make life difficult for yourself. Kekeke. I do not know when to hardworking single, self-consciously unaware. Syasya wake up!
thanks cha willing to share a lot of info, that's right, if the initial kt've mulekan with rice / puree near his son inshallah will easily mkn nasi .. thanks mom institute water right ... why can not send chat sy kat blog ni cha .. msger be out YG red tu tu huhuhu .... 8 June 2012 10:31
askum, long x comment. cha hard for puree. mr whippy machine I awal2 before your comment. tp lama2 children xmau mkn more puree, they eat soft rice with large lauk2 mcm org. hehehe, tp MMG diligent cha ... 8 June 2012 11:05
emmm ade my name ... hmmmm kiki oak nk I start pureed vegetables for the week as follows alisha viewed've mr whippy machine mkn mkanan start YG half ruined .... so am just cook rice porridge Dr. YG diblend measles just fine pastu je la favorite vegetable. ttp .. anak2 kite nk mkn mother's cooking right .. ch @ clues about the food ni la .... 8 June 2012 16:03

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