Saturday, April 26, 2014

ahhhh. lazy laa want to describe length occurring. gambor served projektiranje aje laa. betel compo

yesterday. March 29, 2013. Addmath I have class. tuition. was normal. are reluctant to normal class hours tu 2 +2 = 4jam. You do not understand what I said 4 hours. 4 hours tu is a very long time you know. no longer enough for a 4 hour class that. I recall my ma said "Okeh, let's move slangor gi". wah. quickly and accurately so my mother ni kan. heh. perghh. Turning my head was nenoneno laa wei.
Okeh. the less happy day. we proceed to a happier day. ecehhh. bajetttt. JE like you very happy. Actually, I was the cute bro that, this day (30/03/2013) her engagement day. haaa. Suwit jer kak long I see that. with her clothes which Kaler lace blue + pink tu, haishhh seduced me like the devil to buy clothes that look that. santek projektiranje siotttt.
this day I could try eating gak tempoyak cooking catfish. not bad laa. non-fishy fish she cooked. but if more spicy lagiiii superb. it has been said along, I'd have very obsessed with spicy. If I eat cake IKOT brain also wants to be spicy jugak. bodo poss.
ahhhh. lazy laa want to describe length occurring. gambor served projektiranje aje laa. betel compose a cake my mother mutter a couple of composite ma Suwit angat2 I compose jugak! one happy family, but alone is not enough; Arshad noticed syarmila want betrothed goodie projektiranje bag for the kak ieQa sniri
My journey

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