Saturday, April 26, 2014

Yes ... buh okje tomato MMG viewed refrigerator .... je kat reason to check out pe tu hehe ... not

Hi Have not we thought ... do the things best portable ice maker that we put them in the fridge though ... can be laid off or not. Noe even occasionally in the Stuffed je tu refrigerator. 've Sometimes packed ... Stuffed right too. Here noe right list of items not to put in the freezer. This is one of the ways want to reduce congestion in the fridge :). 1. Potatoes - Potatoes can park outside but to place it in plastic.
2. Bread - Have to park friends bread in the fridge. Bread if parking in the refrigerator, it will quickly dry, if not already dried savory la already. Put jer off, but the bread was not durable. 3. Onion - Onion can put in a container that is a breeze (ex rare tu) and do not be left together with potatoes as they may damage the onions.
4. Garlic - Garlic must be placed in containers that are a breeze. It can last a long time. But when you're already feeling soft onions and black je la .. waste. 5. Tomatoes - Tomatoes must be a parking lot in the fridge right. Noe was like that too. Always park in a refrigerator. Tomatoes can park outside but do not put in plastic. Place in a paper bag. But tomatoes are quick to cook and too long to be so soft. So do la cepat2 je continue cooking or eating.
6. Melon / Cantaloupe - Fruit uncut watermelon can park outside only beautiful but is cut bile placed in the refrigerator. 7. Fruits Apples - If apples are fresh or freshly picked (common to us pluck apples? Hehehe), it will last approximately 1-2 weeks when parking outside. But if more of the beautiful park in the fridge. 8. Chilli Sauce / Tomato - The sauce can be placed outside without to be kept in the fridge. It can last a long time. But make sure it is tightly sealed. Before familiar noe park also bottles in the fridge. 9. Ketchup - Must be the parking lot of soy sauce in the fridge right .. je Ketchup can be placed outside but keep tightly sealed. Sauce and soy sauce in the food to tu? :)
sauce / kicap..dulu I put sekrg viewed refrigerator ... not again .. kat park outside the intrauterine rizqin like main2 with botol2 tu .. fear breaking her birthday I put out je kat kat park outside .... but there is a problem Other pulak kat .. Miss cockroaches best portable ice maker merayap2 best portable ice maker bottle hehehe ... Reply Delete
Owh ... I just know it. Sumanya sumpat in the freezer ... ekekeke ... Thanks for the info. Reply Delete
hahahaha ... the things that perish la park in the fridge ... Fridge full of food that I do not run out ... for the heat back the next day ... adui ..., sometimes lazy preheat, idle jer can not stand to park other things already ... pastu throw ... love so ... now already best portable ice maker forced all out to eat ... I would've keep in the fridge .... haahha Reply Delete best portable ice maker
about us wafa la ... noe even leftovers in the park though ... love ... but last2 want to get rid of waste jugak ... hehehe ... ni ... noe TAMPAN leftovers je maximum of 2 days in there. ... the last 2 days .. noe throw jer ... :) Delete
Mrs. lice 11:47 PM
mmmm ... x has a plaque to be ... maybe bahan2 I use ... Delete
Yes ... buh okje tomato MMG viewed refrigerator .... je kat reason to check out pe tu hehe ... not after this if the freezer is full dh tu, can jer ... buh outside first Ketchup viewed petiais best portable ice maker park. now this ... as he already does not fit jer park outside! hehe Reply Delete
No deposit required gak yg benda2 viewed safety deposit forget me .. pastu find parking la reputedly remember .. hehe kat viewed best portable ice maker safety as a result of things thrown jew la tuh .. damaged .. forgetful level Gaban ex .. hahaha Reply Delete
tomato memng we viewed a safety deposit .. okay sekrg can bg kat safe space .. remove best portable ice maker the tomatoes. YG lain2 our memg x msuk box. YG fruit've viewed a safety deposit br teat .. biscuits best portable ice maker pn viewed KDG park safety, as viewed tapurware mls nk boots. Okay, do not look byngkn mcm mna content viewed our safety ..! Reply Delete
seriously .. awok thought because there strainer coat effect apa2 park in the fridge .. and kendian we use for our cooking ..... read suspense awok entry title mike noe .... ni miss out because want to reduce tightness in the fridge Kekekeke ..... Reply Delete best portable ice maker
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