Tuesday, April 29, 2014

seriously neat!! suke su .. su kecik je refrigerator. want to park many items did not. petia clean

My freezer door type two. The freezer is located below. Today's entry about the top of the first. The freeze would I tell the other entries. If the back of the refrigerator is usually the village will be full. My mother likes to feed himself. Sometimes it gives a spice that has been cooked.
In terms of order, I put the medicine on the most top. For safety. My son is not afraid to take medication. He was glad to be out operations if the medicine is placed in a place that can be achieved.
The second, I put a bit of food for breakfast. twice the ice locations Jem, planta, and rich mayonise I put in green tray. In the morning, just pull the tray and place it on the table for breakfast. Choose for yourself which is love.
I would also like to put a container filled with a surplus of food in the this. This indeed is the level of my eyes. Every time open the fridge, this is the first I will see. Substitutability noticed eat so long it sat in the fridge. twice the ice locations Hurry up if it's twice the ice locations too little removed inedible again. twice the ice locations
The third is, there is a tray for all ground ingredients for cooking. Minced red onion, chilli paste, ginger, garlic, ginger and tamarind. twice the ice locations Everything in green tray. If you want to cook, pull and remove only the green tray. No need to take a long time to find ex-chilli paste and onions. Refrigerator door does not open for long. Save energy grid.
At the door, I keep eggs, sauces and beverages. Some plastic containers kecik the water box. The former is prepared to put my child food like jelly. Sometimes I put a drinking culture in this container. twice the ice locations Simplify my son.
wahh get here org ask ATY Oii ... kikiki Clear
kemasnya .... wahhh! 2 ketui kat tupperware container that door for soy sauce and oyster sauce ye? and, where the former want a green car park eggs n fruits that? existing holders of that? seriously, want to shred jugakk ... Reply Delete
seriously neat!! suke su .. su kecik je refrigerator. want to park many items did not. petia clean as I've long felt stuffy pulak ni .. melekit2 me he is going to do the operation .. bile pulak ni .. hehehhehehehhe Reply Delete
Greetings ... I already trcari2 gang YG hardworking and tidy kitchen refrigerator cenggini .. Now * have met ... hehe .. I even played launder new refrigerator ... Now * nih want to machine dry chili / onion / garlic Siman want in the fridge .. love cooking when to pull jer ... save time ... Reply Delete
sukanya see how akak organize the fridge. neat and tidy .. I also love organizing tgk blog from abroad .. sgt .. I was inspired recently want to learn about home organization .. more excited when tgk jugak kat malaysia organization blog ni .. hope can share more tips at a later date. :) Reply Delete
NAS 24 November 2013 5:53 PM
I was ...
2014 (7) April (2) January (5) 2013 (54) January (6) November (3) October (3) January (4) January (7) July (4) April (9) May (11) Travel: Places Far More Bookshelves Sister Remembered Eyes: Malay Sultanate Palace Drawer sister ... Former Stationery Sisters Yarn Extensions and Lace stories twice the ice locations about refrigerators. Eyes: Handbag Who? I folded the cloth and yarn and lace shoe box April (7)
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