Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Among the inventions which caused disbelief and laughter and that surely no one will ever use the d

However, thousands soft serve of inventions are not just for the history soft serve books - some are a little crazy, soft serve others are completely soft serve meaningless. Regardless of whether they are more or less still usable and useful or do not need anyone, nevertheless soft serve attracted the attention and good us laugh. Awards
Held every year award Ig Nobel Prizes for research appears in serious journals, but are hilarious. Its members are the winners of the real Nobel Prizes and awards each year research on the first ball provokes laughter, but also inspires.
In the narrower competition was another silly inventions which can be bought in US stores, and that is dental floss which scientists soft serve made with a variety of tastes soft serve - with the taste of bacon, cakes, soft serve pickles ...
Notable finding was the bottle to which it does not receive ketchup soft serve named LiquiGlide. A group of engineers and nanotechnology has created a new, non-stick coating for taking out all the glass bottles sauces out without sticking. The biggest challenge when creating was to find materials that are safe for health.
In previous years the same award for his research received a scientist who proved that swearing eases pain, and the year before that his colleague who discovered why woodpeckers do not suffer from headaches. soft serve
The "Lendfil" the stupidest invention was awarded the 2009 electric cone, American invention "for lazy Staker ice cream", which saves language by automatically turning the frozen treat. Electric cone is operated by two batteries.
Among the winners of this award are the mat for air travel that "raggedy airplane seat converts into a comfortable chair, a clean of germs, stains and crumbs left by previous travelers", as well as motor fork which is itself turning soft serve and twisting spaghetti.
Lendfil Award, founded by British journalist of "Times" John encountered, aims to raise public awareness of the consequences which brings unbridled consumerism. "Useful" inventions
Former nurse and anesthesiologist Michelle Štros found a way out of a situation in which a toddler can not or simply do not want to blow my nose with a tissue, and with it will all bacteria and viruses will be destroyed.
This American is more than two years working on a product soft serve that can be attached to the shirt sleeve and one deletion stop a runny nose or cough and sneeze into it. The product is called CoughCover. Sell CoughCovera started a small increments in local shopping malls, and if it turns out good, Mrs. Štros planned commercial production and sale.
Another silly invention comes from Japan. "Toto", a Japanese manufacturer of toilet seats is found first toilet motorcycle which human feces is converted into biofuel. Instead of a conventional seat, the engine is mounted toilet bowl, a motorcycle driven fuel derived from the driver's excrement. The driver can not relieve themselves while driving, but it must be done before.
Among the necessary and yet absurd gadgets were also an umbrella for the whole body, bike which consists of only one point, artificial female wing for weary head and more. Silly devices
Among the inventions which caused disbelief and laughter and that surely no one will ever use the dryer for nail consisting of pipes and pomp. After painting nails hand placed under the pipe, and then the air pump manually.
There are also a butter stick for quick and easy application butter the bread, umbrella that protects against rain and at the same time allows to collect water in the tank that you can wear around the waist and a scary mask that is used for more precise application soft serve of lipstick.
The inventor John Rinfret in 1963 presented his bag against theft. To thieves ruined plans, devised a bag in which the bottom, when you draw a single chain, discounts and all fall to the ground. It remains unclear how this will prevent thieves to rob you.
American science fiction writer and founder of Scientology, soft serve Ron Hubbard introduced in 1968 its Habardov electrometer to determine whether tomatoes feels pain. His work led him to the conclusion that tomatoes "scream when you arrive at the crossing."
One of the most bizarre inventions is certainly a cage for babies from 1937, which is clipped onto a balcony or window so that the child hangs over the street. The cage is finding "Chelsea Baby" club in London.
Jack Milford, player "Wembley Monarchs' hockey team in 1937 invented a device zahvaljjući where together with his wife and newborn child can skate on the ice. When the little baby would lead to hard ice surface on which people skating on dangerous blades Milford did not say.
On the list are justified and cigarette holder for rainy days of 1954, multiple cigaretšpic found in 1955 for those who do not want to waste time, smoking a cigarette one by one, the device for restraining dogs from 1940 and special

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