Sunday, February 22, 2015

This great achievement and has not met with great understanding in Serbia. Unfortunately, the city

Serbia is quite late in terms of the application kneading machine of renewable energy sources. That this rule, is confirmed by the exception that comes from Subotica. The brothers Robert and Joseph Grabarevic are designed and produced prototype vehicles for sale of ice cream that runs on solar power. Five solar panel is responsible for running and cooling of the vehicle. The prototype that produced kneading machine has picked up many awards, of which the last award the Rockefeller Brothers kneading machine Fund, where they won the third place. Mobile pastry shop can work 12 hours without solar energy [Image]
The invention brothers Grabarevic is equipped with all necessary devices and equipment that modern pastry shop must possess. The vehicle has LED lighting, fountain for hand washing with sensor, container for disposal of dirty water, etc. Two solar panels cool ice cream, three are for starting, and this mobile pastry shop can work 12 hours without solar energy.
This great achievement and has not met with great understanding in Serbia. Unfortunately, the city of Subotica has banned kneading machine work Grabarevic brothers and their solar vehicle for ice cream. Even sanctioned by the communal inspection, kneading machine due to the violation of regulations on the sale of the public space. Is this going to be changed, it remains to be seen, but it is a shame that one as advanced ideas in Serbia faces punishment, while in the world collecting awards. Solar car for sale ice cream [Image] Latest news [08/06/2013. in 18.30h] Radio Television of Vojvodina appears that the sentence, which the brothers Grabarevic received from communal inspection in Subotica, paid the Mayor of Subotica. During the reception at the mayor, brothers Grabarevic it was announced that the sentence was settled.
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