Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Offers for cooperation today pouring from all sides. The French want to cover all of Paris these ve

Nikola Jovanovic and PeckoPivo blog, 2014. Unauthorized use and / or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author ice machine and / or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nikola Jovanovic and PeckoPivo blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Since I became an entrepreneur different look at the world around you, much better understand how hard it is to be an entrepreneur in Serbia, and a lot more respect for successful ice machine entrepreneurial stories. And I am especially pleased to see that such a story and a family.
Three brothers, Joseph, Jovica and Robert, have created something we all somehow we call solar tricycle, in fact, is little more than that - ecological electric vehicle that runs on solar energy and is used for the sale of ice cream (in the first version, the new model will power's more - more below). With them, constantly engaged in the project and is their father, Joseph, and Monika (wife of Joseph ice machine the son).
We agreed that I should contact them when I get there and find them on Ladies Bath. It was not difficult, ice machine because the car is set in a great place and, with those solar panels on the roof, it is very striking. As they were not near the vehicle, iskoristih chance to look at it from all angles, Photos, thrilled the details (and has Česmica ice machine for hand washing) and try to figure out how it actually works. Of course that I have not figured out, because everything is so well packaged to see almost nothing. The quaintness and excellent finishing Vehicle ice machine extremely mean, and it shows in the number of people ice machine who are approached while we were there. Most to buy ice cream, and some are recognized what it was and wanted to show their children that is cool in solar panels and all that.
But that is not longer on board - here's below a brochure on the vehicle, a few photos of the current ice machine model, but also a new prototype they are working on these days and which is intended for serial production. As the benefits of modularity and state inside and out - so customers will be able to choose and the power / size of the battery and what the vehicle will be used - ice cream, coffee, hot dogs, etc.
I said already - three brothers, father ice machine and wife of one of the brothers. One of the first questions I asked was: "Where did the idea to do something like this?". Joseph just laughed and introduced the team: Robert economists, Jovica is in the food industry, and he, Joseph, was an electrical engineer. They simply connect their knowledge, talents and interests in joint project. Monika is a lawyer and plays the role of HR manager of a father Joseph ice machine - for him we did not explain ice machine the specific role, so I concluded that he - the father. And that, in family businesses, very specific and important role.
Joking aside, the project was started when, four years ago, wanted to purchase a bike for ice cream, because they realized that something does not exist in Subotica and Palic. However, as the market ice machine did not find a suitable vehicle, ice machine they decided to do it themselves one. Step by step, the idea for the idea, and the tricycle has "grown" in a solar powered vehicle that can travel 80 kilometers and, at the same time cooling chamber for ice cream, playing MP3 music on the sound system and lighting using LEDs.
It sounds simple, but not exactly. The development involved experts from 11 companies, and the first prototype has cost 18,000 euros. As they say, have so far invested about 50,000 euros in development, ice machine of which one part of the crowd awards they received (one of the most awarded projects in Serbia, and probably the most awarded environmental project in our country ever), ice machine and a good part of the invested working at several different jobs and investing all profits into the development of Solar ICEA. They were at one time part of the Business Incubator in Subotica, where they had a workshop ice machine and develop a prototype, but stopped cooperating because, as they say, unprofessional conduct of management of incubators (read: Photographed their patents until they were in the workshop) and now with them sue. Now, as befits one successful startup, working in the garage. It also happened to them and to their communal write a fine of 11,000 dinars ice machine because they do not have permission to work in the streets of Subotica, and license were not able to get as urban Ordinance was not adjusted. Most important of all, they had to endure four years and believe in your idea.
Offers for cooperation today pouring from all sides. The French want to cover all of Paris these vehicles, the Russians want to move production to Russia, and there are also Croat neighbors, who saw how useful can be to have these vehicles on the coast of the season. Besides them, there are serious contact and from Ireland and Hungary. Now the sweet torture - launched the serial production, but their current capacity is 4 vehicles per month, and there are many more orders. ice machine They say to them 100,000 euros was enough to launch a large-scale production and the plan is to employ 50 people in the next year or two.
If the state of smell, invested in the Solar Ice, helped them to become a world brand, and make Serbia one

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