Saturday, February 28, 2015

Stacking cubes; stacking

It is known that the toys started the game toddler. Although toys are not necessary for a good time (game or dance pun), always present in children's imagination and so, however, become rival ice cream maker necessary companion games.
Shaking toys, children acquire valuable experience - come into contact with objects that have them, otherwise, is prohibited in the adult world - these are plastic pots, cars, furniture and similar items. Thus the "little salesgirl" knock on "Checkout" in the "supermarket", while a little "doctor" to give a plastic "injection" to all who stop by in his "clinic".
There are many different toys that children can use. It does not have to be toys that are purchased rival ice cream maker in stores. The child will be any object that falls into his hands turn into a toy (a plastic cup of yogurt, a teaspoon of ice cream, different types of packaging ...), and that it would begin to play, you only need to let your imagination run wild, or to encourage you on this.
The best toys are those that stimulate the imagination of a child and "forced" him to be creative and active. rival ice cream maker Toys that "whistle", "birds" and serve "view only", put the child in a passive position, the position rival ice cream maker of the observer and "suffocate" his interest in the game. If the two-year child, for example, you buy an electric train that goes around the room, you enter into it (because the child to the task not up) and then encourage her to be "illegal" and train your inserted ... Ask yourself rival ice cream maker two questions: "Have you bought a toy yourself or your child? rival ice cream maker "and" Do you really think that the child is interesting to watch the train that goes around the room, and that it did not participate in the game? "
Play with plastic containers rival ice cream maker of various shapes (which the court goes into that); rival ice cream maker pouring liquid from one container to another; a variety of games with music (Mom game, and the child imitates), ball games or balloon (with a pass), game soft toys (toy each has its own name and "hanging out" with their plush friends), reading fairy tales ...
Stacking cubes; stacking "garage" or "home" for dolls; Game picture books (which is this animal and how it sounds); making figures and dolls from plasticine or clay; dyeing characters from coloring books, reading fairy tales ...
Stacking cubes; ball games, jumping rope or Hulahop; simple games such as "dominoes" or "memory game"; rival ice cream maker guessing rival ice cream maker games; complex ball games; the use of various "tools"; drawing, painting, recognizing shapes and colors; games with music ...
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Mar 26, 2009

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