Saturday, February 21, 2015

Every time I feel grateful that your apartment nicely warmed in winter, remember Alice Parker that

The first heating system in the car, which is guided through the light engine to cold fingers warmed driver snowizard aristocratic 19th century, invented the Margaret A. Wilcox 1893. Also, she invented and combined dishwashers and clothes, that someone snowizard urgently needs to reconstruct.
One of the most popular social games, meritorious for endless hours of entertainment and / or arguments, invented in 1904 called The Landlord's Game Mrs. Elizabeth Maggie. Her game was a critique of the injustices of unregulated capitalism, which makes it even more ironic that it is 30 years later stole Charles Darrow and game sold Parker brothers. The company was eventually found Maggie and paid her $ 500 in damages.
One day in 1882, Mary Bise looked out to sea and said, "People should stop dying in huge transportacijskim disaster", and then invented a lifeboat. In addition, he invented a machine snowizard for making barrels which made her damn rich! 5th Residential solar heating
Physicist and pioneer of solar energy Dr. Mary Telkes teamed up in 1947 with the equally wicked lady, arhitktinjom Eleanor Raymond, to jointly build a first home is fully heated by solar energy. 6th Medical syringe
Florence Parpart invented the electric refrigerator in 1914, and in 1900 patented significantly improved system for street cleaning which is then sold to cities across America. 8. Apparatus for the production of ice-cream
Theoretical physicist Dr. Shirley Jackson was the first African American woman to her PhD at the Institute of Technology in Massachusetts in 1973. While working at Bell Laboratories, conducted a crucial scientific research that enabled the invention of portable fax, touch tone phone, solar cells, svetlovodnih cable and technology behind the display number and call waiting.
Saving countless marriages, dishwasher invented Žosefina Kokrein snowizard 1887. His invention was offered hotel owners, snowizard scandalous going to meetings without husband, brother or father, accompanied by, and she eventually snowizard opened his own factory.
Heidi Lamar revealed a secret communication system snowizard during World War II for the radio control of torpedoes using new technology to record the frequency, which laid the technological foundation for everything - from the wireless connection to the GPS. In addition to the accident and the world-famous movie star.
Marie Van Brittany Brown patented a video surveillance system in 1969, and was intended for personal safety, since the police were slow in response to help her in the New York area. Her invention is the basis of modern video surveillance in the private and police purposes.
Every time I feel grateful that your apartment nicely warmed in winter, remember Alice Parker that invented the drive system of the gas central heating in 1919. Although its design was never built, it was the first time anyone ever imagined the use of natural gas for heating, and so this lady inspired heating systems of the future.
Admiralka US Navy, Dr. Gejs Murray Hooper, was the scientist who discovered COBOL, the first user-friendly computer software business. In addition, she is the first person who used the term bug to describe errors in a computer system, having found a real moth that has caused problems in her computer.
Historian beer Jane Peyton claims that the ancient Mesopotamian women first developed, sold, and even drinking beer. Although it is difficult to determine who exactly thousands of years ago made beer, safe to say that the ancient women all over the world something fermented. The next time you pick up a glass, toast Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of beer!
Yoga in a completely different way
Why do men differently snowizard than women experience orgasm
Tonight premiere snowizard of "Art" in Belgrade Drama Theatre
Jul 4, 2012

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