Monday, September 30, 2013

You will see a huge terrain premium over the celebration. To the right of the entrance under counte

Feast of the fig tree is held every year on August 18 in the village Polilofos (Mnogohalmovo). The village is located among countless under counter ice maker hills, 25 κm northwest of Kalamata. To reach there, drive off the road Kalamata, Messinia, then you turn right, towards the village of triode (three way). Once you reach the village under counter ice maker triode, turn left, following the sign for the village Polilofos. Follow the convoy of cars, going through many hills and turns and just before the village can squeeze in your right you will see a huge banner welcoming visitors with another feast of fig. After about a hundred meters to reach the warehouses of association smokinoproizvoditelite where the festival is organized every year. Movement is controlled with the help of staff from private security praznika.Sled that you choose a place to park under a fig tree in the fields around, making sure to position itself that then easily exit. Collected a great many cars.
You will see a huge terrain premium over the celebration. To the right of the entrance under counter ice maker there is a makeshift convenience store association's under counter ice maker jam and fig jam, where visitors can buy a jar at home.
This year, the feast of the fig tree was held in '10 and was attended by nearly 3,000 people. It is organized by the educational subsidiary of the village "St. Demetrius" and the Association of the figs. The idea of organizing a celebration of the fig tree is the villagers, thanks to the active business of the company, the festival is held for ten years, from one year to become more popular. For the first time in 2002. celebration was held in the village square, but the place was too narrow to accommodate all visitors. So next year it was decided to hold the festival in the field in which the stores are located under counter ice maker in the village of figs. The terrain was again close and the following year was widened further to the needs of the holiday. So each year, this place is held the feast of fig. The aim of the festival is to honor and highlight the main product of the region, to stimulate the production of figs, to support people who engage in this culture, and to preserve and enhance the quality under counter ice maker of the product under counter ice maker and to gain in popularity. Holding him strongly supports under counter ice maker the management under counter ice maker of the municipality of Messina, the regional government of the Peloponnese peninsula, department entity under counter ice maker in the county Messinia Chamber of Commerce and the Association of farmers of the county. The celebration was attended reporters and photographers from all local channels sealed and delivered every moment under counter ice maker of triumph. The celebration was attended by many politicians who made brief greetings. Then was inaugurated. Festival organizers, the prefect of the Peloponnese, the mayors of Kalamata in Messinia and the village, welcomed the guests, and the orchestra take care cheerful spend the evening. The producer of figs was founded in 1958. and there for the past 33 years. It mainly deals with the export of dried figs. President of the company, P. Papageorgiou said the problems of the company is struggling to survive. He said that according to the new law the government that changes under counter ice maker the structure of the Agricultural companies allowing foreign firms to import their products easily. Thus compounds the existence under counter ice maker of farmers. Village Polilofos (Πoλύλοφος) is located 25 km northwest of Kalamata. Perhaps the many hills in the area were occasion village to be renamed in 1935. in Mnogohalmovo. During the Ottoman rule the village was called Spleen (Νταλακλή). Nowadays, the village population under counter ice maker of about 140 permanent residents. Young remain difficult in the countryside and prefer to look for new opportunities. School was closed and several children from the village attend under counter ice maker school in neighboring villages. Joy is that in recent years, several families took farm subsidies returned to the village and began to engage in farming. The first settlers in the area were people driven by the Turks bezhaltsi, craftsmen / builders of Arcadia. This happened in 1850 1860. To make a living, they begin to engage in farming. And now to the main occupation of the inhabitants of the region is agriculture, namely, the production of dried figs, raisins, olives and wine. This time I posted a few pictures of why do I combined all the photos of the evening video that conveys every important moment of celebration. I believe under counter ice maker it will be interesting :))
Last week brought me a lot of great joy, I received several awards for friendship from some ladies, but also a personal one, of a very respectable man than me, Lubo - Sapiens - the Cook, the godfather of my blog that

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Vanche but what are these rolls my eyes were on them. Great library you good for you I

One easy suggestion for dinner delicious, tasty and fast :) ..... more Cut stale bread into slices. Bake them for 5 minutes in a very hot futna. Remove manitowoc parts and warm them rub with garlic clove. Place each slice on a piece of thinly sliced bacon and gorgonzola into small pieces. Return to the oven to brown, bacon and cheese poraztopi and ... you cute :)))!
I respond with the following photos with great pleasure eXercise of Rossi to show and my tips :)) ... Of course magazines and papers of the culinary theme ..... it's all my fortune :)) and left several KAMARKO journal not photographed manitowoc parts ... :) ...
'' Cucina moderna'' -'' Modern kitchen''
'' La cucina italiana'' manitowoc parts -'' Italian cuisine''
And this is my favorite notebook for recipes ... and made me a gift from my daughter Natalia ... you can see what you're manitowoc parts doing :)) it on the blog and Thanks Natashke: * .. without your help I would not be alone with the creation of the blog :) ..
As in the original question is'' What do you have on the nightstand?'' And starts from blog Valentina show and my bedside table, but magazines are around me locker :)) ...
These are my latest acquisitions :) ... bought yesterday and of today bruschetta recipe is one of them .... :) Finally, I'm curious and looking forward to see what you have .... - Radi (I know for a 900 page book :) manitowoc parts - Cate ... - Sonia ... .... ... Traiana ... Chaooooo and easy and relaxed evening :)!
Bingoooooo! But I know who to ask to set it off, huh? I suspected that you have a decent collection at great desire he had on culinary encyclopedia, but ..... I admit, you got me! Broke, broke, broke! Wow, Ivana if I had all that was fascinated to see, great magazines and books, so colorful manitowoc parts and so much uaaaaaau! Really you passion is obvious! And your daughter and now I find her blog and occupation and frankly hard to find strong enough words to describe how much I am impressed! Say ... as from your amazing collection of tips! She has enormous talent and flair, her cards are unique ....! I embrace you both! PS so I can not give you spogna publications manitowoc parts ... with so tips :). Reply Delete
Oh, Vanya so excited manitowoc parts that I was turned on for the first time in a game-relay that I almost forget to comment your collection! Really impressive and dream for any chef! Clear where the magnificent Italian recipes, keep us happy! A wonderful activities for your daughter that now I understood from your post, I can only congratulate you, that is such an artist! manitowoc parts Hugs! Reply Delete
Eve, where to start, it was a soul! Bruschetta my head spinning! Notebook grabbed me, the more that I dream of one, while the fact that the mother of this talent ... straight'm amazed. And your culinary books and magazines manitowoc parts make me dream :) also included me in some adventures ... Can you just let me explain: what you need to show? :) Reply Delete
Vanyayaya, bruschetta are chudnichki! I would have eaten more than one, just to reach your plate! And your collection of books and magazines, raises mild hints of noble envy. My collection is dostaa more - or less accurately, the part that is in me, but I will photograph them and show you. Greetings and a great day! Reply Delete
:))) I'm so glad you liked my collection of books and magazines :)! Thank you, girls! Rossi at the end of May we will be home for two weeks in January and B-live - dead will find the encyclopedia :))! A Natashka is really very talented cook and also superb! Thank you on behalf manitowoc parts :)! Cate show what cooking books, magazines manitowoc parts and writings :) you, this is just! Good evening, ladies! Hugs! Reply Delete manitowoc parts
Vanche but what are these rolls my eyes were on them. Great library you good for you I'm everything suppressed and do not even know where my cooking knigi.Samo one I made recently but I'll show it in a post. Cuddling they strongly sweet friend! Reply Delete
Bruschetta are very

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ellie, I recommend strongly that damn chocolate cake :) also my favorite because I shokomaniyak :)

After 14 years of marriage, we have 3 beautiful children that fill the days with lots of smiles. Original love and passion has given way to a sincere affection, understanding and true friendship that I think are very important to a long relationship.
For a long time wondering what exactly is the cake. Only knew I wanted to be white on the outside and have hearts. So I decided that there should be contrasted with the inside of the cake. Red is one of my favorite colors, and in combination with the white stays cool. Means done, decided - "RED VELVET CAKE"
Culinary site my very favorite since last Christmas. The recipes there are not only very well described, but accompanied carpigiani gelato university with videos ready. And novice hosts can make someone turned cake without worrying that you will not deal :) The recipe for today's cake "Red Velvet" is adapted exactly it.
250 g flour 1/2 tsp salt '20 black cocoa 120g unsalted butter, at room temperature 280g granulated sugar 2 large eggs 2 again. Vanilla 240 ml batarmilk / milk + vinegar 1ch.l leave for 15 minutes 10/2 tbsp. lie to. liquid red paint pastry 1 tsp soda, quenched with 1 tsp vinegar / or 2 tsp baking powder / cream products:
500g mascarpone cheese at room temperature 2 again. 100g caster sugar vanilla carpigiani gelato university / if you love a cute can increase powdered sugar on your taste / 200 ml cream / if the cake will be plastered over with cream, increase the cream of 360m / / recommended to use animal milk cream but there is no reason to use plant and pastry carpigiani gelato university cream /
In a deep bowl mix the flour, vanilla, salt and cocoa. In another bowl, break the soft butter with sugar until fluffy cream. Add eggs one at a time until total intake of the mixture. Batarmilka added to liquid red dye and stir well. To egg-oil mixture was added half batarmilka, alternating with the flour mixture. Starting and ending always with the dry mixture. Finally, add quenched with vinegar soda and mix again. / If you use baking carpigiani gelato university powder, you can add it to the dry ingredients /
The prepared mixture was divided into two equal parts. Each pour into a baking dish with a diameter of 20 cm, pre littered with baking paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 170-180 degrees for about 20 minutes or until dry stick. Should carpigiani gelato university not be overcooked to stay juicy and moist. After bake both ponds were allowed carpigiani gelato university to completely cool and was then cut into two equal parts. So you get 4 swamps.
Into the cake ring put one crust, smeared with some of the cream and so alternate cake, cream cake, cream cake. If the cake will be plastered over with cream remains a part of it. Once the cake tense in the ring for a few hours / best night / remove ring and plastered with the rest of the cream.
Yes, this cake is very different, moist and melt in your mouth, uniquely delicious! Congratulations Annie, you are a great master and artist! Greetings groom :)! Reply Delete
This is my favorite cake of all time! Combined with such a wonderful occasion is simply magic! carpigiani gelato university I wish you endless happiness, Annie, you are always so polite, in love and happy! Magic Holidays from our whole family! Reply Delete
Great cake looks hem sustainable, yet juicy! carpigiani gelato university I am currently in a very important stage, tracing the perfect recipe for a cake for RD to my daughter, but do not decide for red velvet cake as the main competitor is the Devil's food / May was his name / .... so now we looked at the cut I wonder ... but there is still one month time to wonder. It's not like I've done both torti.... / Shame, a great shame / :) I love and cake, and the pictures, and especially the cut! Reply Delete
Ellie, I recommend strongly that damn chocolate cake :) also my favorite because I shokomaniyak :) I'm about to do on January 19, so if you wait until then you can compare carpigiani gelato university the two recipes and make a decision what to do: ) Red velvet is very soft and light taste, while Devil's really a strong and nakartvashto chocolate carpigiani gelato university temptation, which as you eat a piece and never you eat :) Happy Holidays! carpigiani gelato university Erasure
Annie, Thanks for the comparison, I'll hold the other cake. :) But I obyasnavash difference now, I think Red Velvet is better for children's birthday cake in May ..... Because the child is young - will be 3. Otherwise, I'm shokomaniak, maybe it will be a Devil's Pastry! carpigiani gelato university But as a true Libra never in equilibrium and there is hesitation, that always wonder what to choose and then wonder for months / so that there are almost 2 and a half months to wonder /. :) I'll wait for your cakes and comparison with recipes because carpigiani gelato university I have a great experience for me only fondant / decoration / is the difference in my cakes .... filling is still emf

Friday, September 27, 2013

eva bor April 22, 2013, 02:52

I saw a recipe for Ivana. My cake is very small promeni.Uvi forgot cherries, but next time. Ingredients: 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 and 1/2 cup flour 1 vanilla 1 can pineapple 1 moist baking professional ice cream maker powder 6 tbsp sugar for the caramel 70g butter For the syrup: professional ice cream maker juice from can of pineapple 2 tablespoons Make a light caramel rum 6 tablespoons sugar. Cut the butter into small pieces and cover it with the tray in which you will bake (26 cm). Pour the hot caramel over the oil. Beat eggs with sugar until double volume si.Dobavete sifted flour mixed with baking powder and vaniliyata.Razbarkayte well. Drain pineapple well washers (or dry them with a towel kuhneneska). Arrange them on karamela.Otgore pour egg smes.Zaravnete. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees about 40 minutes. More hot cakes turn chiniya.Ostavete on the cake to cool. On the remaining caramel professional ice cream maker in the pan pour the juice from the pineapple. Put on the stove and let zavri.Barkayte until melted caramel. Pull from heat and add cold pie roma.Siropirayte with warm syrup.
Yummy and beautiful! I see that you are confident and alone Natashka professional ice cream maker :)! Greetings! Nice new week! Reply Delete
Tanya 24 April 2013, 06:26
Yes Nat, I found your virtual shop 10 fingers wonderful website for everything done manually, I love spots liken to Etsi, most blogodruzhki there have their own places. professional ice cream maker I am very happy that BG has a great place for artists! Erasure
eva bor April 22, 2013, 02:52
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Natalia professional ice cream maker Bazelkov
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chilled cake is cut in half. If you want, you can flatten the top of the latter must, which is bulg

Sunshine's kitchen Home About me and Content Desserts Cakes and Muffins braunisi kapkeykove sweets and biscuits Ice cream and Cakes Tarts and Pies Pasta Snacks French Bread and Baked savory drinks Shared Portfolio Contacts
This is certainly the most fragrant cake that I've tried. You know how usually when the cakes, the taste of the cream is dominant, while the latter must remain in the background, slightly neglected. Here, however, the roles are reversed. That the cream is not to be underestimated, on the contrary, the latter must not only have a real eksloziya of flavors. This cake resembles a carrot cake (in juiciness and texture), but there flavored apple cake (without the apples). When combined with your favorite, I guess not just me, frosting cream cheese and butter will yield a combination of flavors and aromas that simply can not pass.
In fact, the cake is known as the Hummingbird cake, but since there is no specific information undercounter ice machine why it is called so I decided to just name it "Tropical Cake" undercounter ice machine because of the presence of banana and pineapple. Speaking of pineapple. You see these beautiful "flowers" with whom I casually decorated cake? Can you imagine that these are the most common, thinly sliced and dried pineapple undercounter ice machine rings? But let's not give more, read detailed information about them in the text below.
110d walnuts, chopped 390g flour 400g sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon undercounter ice machine cinnamon 3 large eggs, lightly beaten 180ml vegetable oil 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 240g tinned pineapple (chunks and juice) 4 ripe bananas , crushed
For this recipe you do not need a mixer. All you need is two hearts - one for dry ingredients and one for wet. The oven was heated to 180 C. In a bowl mix the flour, sugar, walnuts, salt, cinnamon and baking soda. In another bowl whisk the eggs, oil, vanilla, and bananas ananasa. To the dry ingredients are added and the whole was wet mixed thoroughly with a wooden spoon or spatula, until the mixture was homogeneous. Distributed between the two forms, pre-greased and lined with baking paper. Bake 30-40 minutes or until a stick stuck in the middle, went dry. Cool on a metal grill. Can be stored for several days in the refrigerator, wrapped in aluminum foil.
For this purpose, it is needed a sturdy and solid pineapple. Peel and with a small spoon or a knife to remove the brown spots, which remain in the cortex. Removing them actually gives unevenness of pineapple, which subsequently affects the appearance of the flowers - the more "holes" do more petals will have pineapple. Do not remove the hard core of the fruit, as it will be the center of the flowers. With a sharp knife, cut thin slices of pineapple. Arranged on a tray covered with baking paper and dried at 100 C for 2-3 hours. The time depends on the thickness of the washers, and the succulence of the fetus. Once the flowers are dried, placed in a tray of muffins, so that their leaves are rounded. Handy flowers to be made at least one day in advance, and to be placed on the cake just before presenting her as the moisture soften.
Ingredients for cream: undercounter ice machine 525g cream cheese (Philadelphia 3 boxes not guarantee that if you use another brand, the taste will be the same) 225g soft butter 400g sifted icing sugar 2 full tablespoons sour cream
Butter and cream cheese (at room temperature) is broken down to the fluffy cream. Add powdered sugar and cream parts crashed to use her should not be too much break, because the mixture will become liquid. Finally undercounter ice machine added and sour cream and mix.
Chilled cake is cut in half. If you want, you can flatten the top of the latter must, which is bulging during baking. Since the cake was for domestic consumption, considered undercounter ice machine it unnecessary to do so. But if you want a perfectly flat surface, do it. Follow the standard procedure - cake, cream cake, cream. Spread entire cake with cream casually. No need to strive for a smooth rendering even be more beautiful if you make squiggles or straight lines (as in this case). In the end, decorate with flowers of pineapple.
And a variation of culinary topics. Anyway, undercounter ice machine I guess you've noticed, my photography with a new signature that passes through the entire picture. I know it's probably annoying and unpleasant to me do not like. But I came to the conclusion that this is the only way I can protect the copyright of your images. Not that it is impossible for the signature to be deleted or plastered, but it certainly will make it difficult man who wants to do it.
My decision was influenced by another stolen picture that this time is not any website, blog or just a person. This time it's from a national TV. It comes to the transmission of TV7 "Perfect Memory" (choose from transmission to

Where did I began to photograph it? Well it is for me, I think it

Do you post from a few weeks ago here that cake? I was commissioned by a lady with a long time ago that we met because of our shared passion for photography. Didi is the mother of the birthday girl Millie and today I would like to introduce you to her work
Whether you have serious otvoreni online ambitions in photography, just shoot or just love watching otvoreni online beautiful otvoreni online images in all cases are confronted with photographic sites. Each of them has a specific style, own sound and a certain type of images that are considered best by the audience. Photographs of Ivan skillfully balance and make an impression from among many others, no matter where exactly you watch them. Each frame has a specific style, designed with an eye for color, composition and of course - a story, a life, and you tell a story!
Personally, I'm always very interesting look behind the scenes of the creative work and figure otvoreni online out exactly who is behind the wonderful things that make us happy. In this case, you will be surprised because Ivan actually is a programmer with an affinity for mathematics and science. Like most women everyday and look like a movie. During the day is as hectic motion of action scenes, but when it's otvoreni online at home calm actually turns out that the main character leads a double life and is endowed with super powers :)
I strongly recommend you to take a few minutes and look at the world through the eyes of Ivan of
Where to begin ... That might be one of the most commonly used lines which start interviewed when they want to "cover" the potential to break an awkward silence while composing the beginning of their answers. In the case in May rather want to drown their possible hesitation and delays for tomorrow :)
So ... nearly two weeks imaginations what the hell to write for myself that it is interesting for the potential reader, and on top is supposed to share my recipe, possibly accompanied by a first attempt otvoreni online to capture ready. My concerns with the staff really are the greatest ... nothing that probably above Rumi wrote you that our acquaintance has begun, and it is virtually connected to our common interest in photography.
The reason is simple enough - the more entry into an area, the more you're going to catch the value and what is beautiful and what did not work very well (to say the least :))). It was then that internal struggle and confrontation with dissatisfaction are most strongly felt.
On top of that, I do not think I have something different in features and ideas, and in my shoes could be quite a few of you. These were the reasons for my impulsive attempts to give her a call, but I choose to feel comfortable, because you will not regard it as a personal self-expression, but as a friendly cozy sharing her "virtual paradise" :)))
I am a mother of two children in primary school, I work as a programmer (ie, 10-12 hours a day for work and time), my interests are varied in almost everything that you have met to share on blogs ... you probably already clear picture and saying "yeah, another one who deals with the shenanigans at nights instead of bed on time."
Generally May rather than ability and my activities were dictated by my interest in math (logical thinking) and art (satisfaction than to create art). While in math I enjoyed more success, then the art of earlier agreed that we will have mutual respect and I admire him from a safe distance for him, but he will not laugh at my daring imagination, culminating mediocre results. :)
Where did I began to photograph it? Well it is for me, I think it's given the role of the frog in the saying, "I saw a frog that shoeing horses - and she picked up the pace." Enough otvoreni online for someone to show me a pleasing manner his work is enough to feel the satisfaction enjoyed by his work, and I'm ready ... May I can remember sama so. At a time when it was enough to learn not to take off the suspension of your neck cord with switch at home, I went through anywhere.
Came to school, doing advertising and my hand was first raised. (I got there and I went 3 years in one of the most successful children's choirs. Just as I needed to have known why I was at the audition, the other 8-year-olds sang half a verse of a song and accept them me and made me try on 3 songs in a row. problem It just was not in the selection of songs ;))
Since childhood I liked to look at the pictures was in us was hung in public otvoreni online buildings. But it and then the attitude of the person photographed was different

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Here I am with a cake for my birthday when we went longer than astrological sign and nearly a month

Here I am with a cake for my birthday when we went longer than astrological sign and nearly a month. Sorry for the long break, but it was quite a difficult period in which it is crowded too much neshta.Otdelno, still hoping to get away with the script, which is usually all talk - "Taking raclette machine leave of the garden, raclette machine the children begin to suffer." But you I stayed only hope, this being a situation unfamiliar to us, there was a crazy ride home.
Still stealing moments here and there, been cooking and photographing raclette machine things - you'll see them next mesets.Nay finally managed to prepare this publication, despite the lack of time and mood seemed .... Otherwise the cake I chose a few mesetsa.Samo seeing the ingredients and I thought it was made especially for me :) I love white chocolate, also grapefruit and Campari, and poppy seeds in sweets ....
Now .... as I watch them, with gorgeous roses, given that this time My birthday caught me in a crisis period balances, analyzes and disappointments, I think how much fitted very well to the situation and my philosophical nastroyka.Vsichki they symbolize life so well the beauty, fascination and sweetness, which, however, would not be harmonious without them there is bitterness and pain of the prick ...
An important point in the preparation was to determine the amount gelatin so as to obtain a reasonably stable mousse and still feel fluffy, light and vazdushen.Toy great combined with juicy fruit and crispy crust of seeds with intense flavor of butter and citrus, hiding surprising sweet nests of golden raisins. Gorgeous cake that matched in all respects taste mi.Vinagi I thought the beauty of a cake largely lies in the cut, and well matched components. I hope to appeal to those of you who decide to try it!
Cake with grapefruit and white chocolate mousse foundation - a form with a diameter of 25 cm 230 g butter 200 g sugar 4 eggs zest of one grapefruit (or 1 tsp for a stronger flavor) 260 g flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 40 ml grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed 1 tablespoon Campari '50 poppy '30 golden raisins * All products should be at room temperature Beat the soft butter and sugar until the mixture turns white and becomes raclette machine creamy - 3 minuti.Zapochnete raclette machine add eggs one at a time, stirring each time until full usvoyavane.Sled that the bark of greypfrut.Preseyte flour with baking powder, poppy seeds and solta.Zapochnete to add parts to the mix, and in addition add to it gradually and United juice and alkohol.Sastavkite should not break much, but enough to mingle dobre.Nakraya add raisins (preferably be small or cut them into two or three parts). Pour the mixture into a greased ring mold and baker paper danoto.Peche in preheated 180-degree oven about 40-45 minutes or until dry test stick comes from central tavata.Kogato ready is removed, allowed to cool to grid 15 minutes after which the ring was removed and put back on the grid for final cooling. This base can be prepared the day before and to stand well wrapped in foil to cool storage to assemble raclette machine the cake. mousse of white chocolate 900 ml cream 35% fat 500g white chocolate (such as Milka) 1 packet gelatin raclette machine (10 g finely ground, to Dr. Oetker) grated rind of a large grapefruit and more - whole segments of 1 or 1 1 / 2 grapefruit pieces - free from skins 300ml cream is heated prior to a boil and allow to ohladi.Zhelatina raclette machine soak in 70ml water for 2-3 minutes to swell slightly, but not to take it all technost.Sled the court in which it is dissolved is placed in a water bath (do not boil the water) and stir until it is transparent and vtechni.Otstranete, wait 2-3 minutes and add a trickle to a warm, but not hot cream. Meanwhile, you should be melted in a large bowl of water bath shokolada.Kogato is ready, put the bowl away, wait for a minute to cool slightly, stirring it constantly in this vreme.Zapochnete to add to it a trickle of cream with gelatin. Since the early chocolate stiffen, you may add a little more, stirring raclette machine with a wooden spoon without spirate.Sled that you continue to trickle with continuous raclette machine stirring until absorbed raclette machine and the mixture becomes gladka.Zaviyte it with foil for fresh store and leave in the fridge raclette machine for about 30 minutes - until the mixture tightens slightly and falls to the tape (mix once stayed while in December does not form a crust). Shortly before this period expires, beat the remaining 600ml cream (it must be cold just idvadena the fridge) - vrahcheta.Smesta hard to remove from the refrigerator, stir and add to the cream gradually shattered, stirring slowly and gently raclette machine with a spatula or wooden spoon from the bottom. Take the finished mousse 350 g

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Irka, great dessert is very, very impressive and beautifully presented under counter ice maker prev

Sunshine's kitchen Home About me and Content Desserts Cakes and Muffins braunisi kapkeykove sweets and biscuits Ice cream and Cakes Tarts and Pies Pasta Snacks French Bread and Baked savory drinks Shared Portfolio Contacts
A few days ago while browsing Pinterest, I came across a cake whose idea immediately impressed me and I promised soon to realize it. Dessert was a cake cut into three fused with cream and decorated with cherries. The individual components are quite simple, but the concept and presentation are extremely creative and that is what makes the cake into something really special.
Once I decided to use a combination of chocolate cake, whipped cream and cherries, I thought that there is already such a classic dessert - cake "Montenegro". I looked for a recipe on the Internet and in culinary books but none grabbed me. Then I thought if I had a suitable recipe blog that I can modify. I, of course - my favorite chocolate orange cake that I make at least once a month. To make its benefits mashed orange, which in this case swapped with pureed cherries and get a great combination.
Ingredients for cake shape with a diameter of 20 24 cm: 230g cleaned cherries, pureed 100 g dark chocolate 125 g butter 3 eggs 180g brown sugar 100g sugar 100ml milk mixed with 1/2 teaspoon cider vinegar 25 g cocoa 250 g flour 1 and 1/2 tsp lazhatsa baking powder pinch of salt 1 teaspoon kirsch (chereshova alcoholic beverage)
The oven was heated to 180 C. Chocolate and butter are melted under counter ice maker in a water bath or in a microwave oven and allowed to cool slightly. Flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt mix. Eggs and sugar crash 4-5 minutes until a light and fluffy cream. Add cherry puree, milk, chocolate and kirsch. 2-3 times the dry ingredients are added and carefully mixed. The dough is poured into the buttered cake pan and bake 40-50 minutes, checking for readiness with a wooden skewer. When the cake is done, then allowed to cool to form for 10 minutes, then transferred to a metal tray to complete cooling.
All products were combined in a small casserole under counter ice maker and heated to boiling. Allow to turn 5-10 minutes, depending on whether you want cherries softer or maintain texture. After they are completely cool and strain the juice remains. under counter ice maker
Once the cake has cooled completely, cut in two. Lower part syrup with the juice of cherries then carefully covered with a layer of whipped cream and drained cherries. Bear on the top of the cake, which is also covered with a cream. Decorate with cherries and chocolate stagotini.
His Majesty Chocolate is known that can be portrayed in a variety of images. Can be insanely under counter ice maker cute, in a combination of caramel, fruit or nuts. Can be a bitter-spicy to shed a tear, you may leave the lovely mint
My sister have long wanted to make her a cake. A simple cake, like the one I made years ago. In fact, even when we lived in Veliko Tarnovo was in high school, that was the only thing I could do. I made the cake,
There are days in which we want to caress your senses with something special. To give yourself a hundred under counter ice maker percent enjoyment of a dessert that is not consumed regularly. There are days that without an ounce of guilty conscience will eat a piece of chocolate
Irka, great dessert is very, very impressive and beautifully presented under counter ice maker previously! I like that it is made in a light, home-style, and your tray is great and always in her baking your very memorable! Like the cake with red wine! Venice for your wonderful story, thank you for sharing! Nice weekend! Answer Lucia 18 May, 2012
I've never seen such ideological recipe - it is both a cake, yet a little cake. Lovely! This will be my next cake! Irinka have long secretly stalking you and admire you. You're a chef-creator A Flower 18 May, 2012
Bravo! Amazing cake! I love to make and eat cakes, but this recipe is very different from any I've tried. I congratulate under counter ice maker you for your presentation looks very appetizing! Required to prepare it. Finally, ask what cream you use? Reply Irina 18 May, 2012
Irina looks like your cake with red wine, which I did and was very spoluchliv.Imashe a little under counter ice maker unhappy, my husband, who loves red wine and slightly angry that he spend it. But then I was pleased under counter ice maker with the outcome. The shape is very beautiful, but no longer doubt the taste of all that brew! Reply Gischo under counter ice maker 19 May, 2012
I am so grateful that you share your talents with us! I decided to try all your recipes and so far the results are still amazing)) I finished a little while ago that you yummy, but instead of cherries, use berries (frozen), but instead of kirsch - one of my "liqueur" with Cass

Monday, September 23, 2013

Thanks Ronnie for the invitation! We can not give up, and because I

The harsh truth The green salads and dips and pates something so sweet sins juice vegetable juices milk, juices and purees Appetizer Soups Super Serious dishes legume home ice cream maker grain croquettes decks extraordinary dishes and small bites stews and pasta Bread sourdough bread with vegetable cakes small cakes and breads yeast-free crackers vegan muffins and pies pies palachinnki soda bread Desserts candy for millions sweets creams, home ice cream maker ice cream pies and cakes cakes for chocolate connoisseurs useful Homework Tales World Universities Haskovo home ice cream maker Railings home ice cream maker
This will be a recipe for these cookies (not because it's difficult, but because I have not had to do any home soon). However, it is going to be a food for thought and perhaps home ice cream maker a little controversy. As you all know, I am a vegan and consciously and spontaneously gave up my favorite dairy products and eggs, because I know the injury for ethically etc. And I do not think my bad without them (maliciously and contentedly smirk). Many people ask me about my story, for opinion, advice or if they want to assure them that there is nothing scary and it is far harder tasteless or God forbid my bad if you do not eat dairy! Because I can not always respond fully and completely to questions about veganism for many people, and because I did not tell you to visit my blog of Veronica (remember that she visited, that her story and recipes here), you will share my thoughts on this diet. Vsashtost, you yourself can read my visit with Ronnie, but I would like to copy the preface, which she had sent to him here and there. I can not always write about myself, even though this time get :)
Permeable presenting myself, written by Ronnie, you can read the publication and its completion ;) If I may emphasize those phrases that somehow I have spoken, and then I have said, "Ah, Vanyayaya, did you write it Tis was? Bre ":) home ice cream maker
Thanks Ronnie for the invitation! We can not give up, and because I'm so pleased that I write something for her delicious and beautiful site, excuse me, if you overdo the number of lines ... probably because of comfort that she was able to instill in my little head after our many conversations and comments home ice cream maker I feel like in my own website and we will write a will! I am Vanya. home ice cream maker And if I am Vanya, whether because I like vanilla or sweet love to do things most people know me as Vanilka. Actually, this is my "nickname" is not recent, and more than 10 years ago :) Vanilla wrote in control, diaries and notebooks at school; tagging photos with him, even many of my colleagues at the university called me that. And now, my destiny spoken, now "punishment" for me that is not called by my real name to be known as Vanilka and make sweet vanilla stuff. Cooking have always been best friends :) From a small hovered around grandma've read thick cookbooks home ice cream maker I've seen shows, I cooked for me and my family and even during college days I did not eat out because we're cooked up something. Did not understand that I love to cook boring and painfully familiar dishes! They'll put some new spice still going to try to come up with something different ... All the charm lies in the discovery of new flavors and combinations and if you ever do a simple rice with vegetables 3 times in a month, so I broke down :) And However, there is one "but" - I do not like to cook for themselves and to be honest with you when I'm alone drive it on fruits, nuts, salads and raw kremcheta that perplex for 2 minutes. I like to try for others to deliver home ice cream maker joy to work on the people around me. About a year I have a site-Vanilla Kitchen. (Eeee, that I know! Note the author at the moment) The site was the natural continuation of a blog with the same name, while the blog-an album on Facebook, home ice cream maker again bearing that name. The album upload photos of food they prepare, home ice cream maker in a blog entry recipes. Now the site is a place where I share photos, emotions, experiences with food and show what I do with the love and which I'm going to become my main occupation and livelihood, cakes, pastries and sweets. I'll say now that probably many girls deal with this and to sladkotvoryat. I will tell you that you are doing, but in any case I do, and they can not get into the same category. Because they share the same idea of how and what is good to eat man. In my kitchen will not find fondant, white sugar, white flour, pastry paints, margarine, cream, eggs, butter home ice cream maker or any product with E's. I do not use them and I think that the use of these products is tasteful and beautiful way to poor health. According to my understanding, a meal should be as beautiful as useful. And because of this, I was oriented to satvoryavam sweets from only natural ingredients, for use fruity colors

Cooking ice cream making games is fun! / / Always look at the tasty side of life

Wash and peel the apricots, remove the stones and pureeing. Mix apricot puree with condensed milk, powdered sugar and lemon rind. Beat the cream until soft peaks and carefully connect the two mixtures. Pour into ice cream maker and freeze. Can freeze and straight into the freezer, periodically beating briefly with a mixer to prevent the formation of large ice crystals.
I happened to find in this unique blog. From what I've looked enthralled by the beauty and the love with which each dish is created. To me you're Marietta artist with a good heart! Milena Reply Delete
Last year I made your nougat ice cream and I'm in love with him, we are now offering this temptation, which is certainly amazing! Taste, aroma and beauty combined into one. Wonderful new week and a wonderful, fresh and inspiring summer! Reply Delete
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Pies (15) Vegetarian ice cream making games (21) blinis (5) Candy (6) Butertesto (1) vegetarian (1) visit me ... (4) decorated cookies and cupcakes (5) Fruit Desserts ice cream making games (15) sweets and crackers (43) Pickled (6) Italian cuisine (4) Cakes (15) cupcakes (1) cakes (1) creams ice cream making games and mousses (19) cupcakes (3) Muffins (15) guests (1) Drinks (2) Pies and canoes (11) Pancakes (5) Slices (15) coatings for cakes (2) Custom cakes and cupcakes (19) Holidays (9) Starters ( 14) throwback (6) recipes Bread (1) Rolls (6) Salad (9) jams (15) Pies (25) Ice Cream (13) Soups (7) Beef (2) Pasta (29) tiganitsi (5) Cakes (61) Bread (18) Cheesecake (3) Dishes with minced meat (8) sausage dishes (3) Meat Dishes (33) Fish Dishes (9) Meals with products (1)
2013 (44) September (4) August (4) July (2) June (6) Apricot ice cream making games Tart with apricots and cream with condensed milk cupcakes with cherries and chocolate zucchini with vegetables and tofu, cherry pie and Strawberry cheese yogurt ice cream May (6) April (5) March (6) February (4) January (7) 2012 (75) December (7) November ice cream making games (1) October (6) September ( 5) August (6) July (7) April (6) May (7) April (6) July (7) February (8) January (9) 2011 (109) December ( 8) January (9) October (9) September (7) August (6) July (9) June (10) May (10) April (10) March (8) February ( 9) January (14) 2010 (244) December (244)
As a child I did not like this dish. Too much I did not go to kindergarten, so I can not justify it. I started ...
May this day 11 years ago it was sunny and hot. I was dressed ice cream making games in white and I was the happiest man in the world. Yes, in. ..
23 hours ago
Cooking ice cream making games is fun! / / Always look at the tasty side of life
Dip green tomato
Its land
1 month ago
sogni di zucchero
Bright holiday, folks! ice cream making games
6 months
Hazel Lintserovi sweet / Hazelnut Linzer cookies

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Muhidin Ali Haji Bakir is the most famous of all confectioners in Turkey. In Istanbul came from the

Local culinary specialties often attract tourists from all over the world, especially if it is sweet that virtually all adore. Most destinations around the world have at least one distinctive dessert. You present a city offering sweetest desserts in the world.
Muhidin Ali Haji Bakir is the most famous of all confectioners in Turkey. In Istanbul came from the mountain town Kastamonija in 1777 and opened a confectionery which soon became known as the best sweet shop in the Ottoman world. This cake shop that exists to this day, you can try the best Turkish rolito go case delight rolito go case in the world, known as rahatluk, like many other oriental desserts. Cake shops of this brand can be found near the spice market rolito go case near the Hotel Pera Palace, in the Kadikoy market avenue Istiklal Caddesi.
Cheesecake, cheese or cake, is most famous dessert in New York, which is literally a symbol of this city. Chizkejk best serves the legendary rolito go case Lindy's restaurant located in Midtown Manhattan, which serves the famous desserts since 1921. This dessert is made from cream cheese, whipped cream, rolito go case vanilla and crunchy biscuits. If you are in New York this tasty specialty worth a try and Junior's Restaurant in Brooklyn, rolito go case where instead of biscuits, cake served with Graham crackers.
For gelato, or the famous Italian ice cream, as it is known today, is credited with two Florentine pastry. The first is Ruggeri, who is the maker of sherbet rolito go case who worshiped Catherine Medici, the second is Bernardo Buontalenti, known for frozen desserts with fruit. In Florence you can try the best ice cream in the world, and sweets are in constant rolito go case competition to make Creamier and fresh ice cream. Of the many pastry shops, rolito go case we separate Gelateria del Neri, where you can try different flavors of ice cream as sweetest of triple chocolate ice cream as the most unusual of gorgonzola.
This traditional Malaysian dessert made from starch and sugar palm with coconut milk. Gula melaka rolito go case nicest can be found in restaurants in the province Melaka in Malaysia, which is known for its extremely tasty and unique dishes. We recommend you try this dessert in the restaurant Nyonya Makko, which Gula melaka preparing since 1940.
Reliable way to distinguish Belgians tourists is the way we eat vaflite, Belgian traditional dessert. They never ordered waffles with chocolate or cream accessories - traditional Belgian waffles rolito go case are eaten only with butter and powdered sugar. The most famous bakery in the most romantic Belgian city of Ghent called Etablissement Max and produce famous Belgian waffles already 120 years.
Before elaborating on this dessert, it should be noted that the Portuguese industry suffered a "boom" when Arabs in this country has brought sugar. In the Middle Ages, in Portugal "thrived" candy business called doces conventuais, of which the most famous dessert was pastel de nata, creamy cake based on eggs with a little cinnamon. Since 1837 most famous Pastel de Nata can find in Antiga Confeitaria de Belem in Lisbon.
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Saturday, September 21, 2013

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