Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Here I am with a cake for my birthday when we went longer than astrological sign and nearly a month

Here I am with a cake for my birthday when we went longer than astrological sign and nearly a month. Sorry for the long break, but it was quite a difficult period in which it is crowded too much neshta.Otdelno, still hoping to get away with the script, which is usually all talk - "Taking raclette machine leave of the garden, raclette machine the children begin to suffer." But you I stayed only hope, this being a situation unfamiliar to us, there was a crazy ride home.
Still stealing moments here and there, been cooking and photographing raclette machine things - you'll see them next mesets.Nay finally managed to prepare this publication, despite the lack of time and mood seemed .... Otherwise the cake I chose a few mesetsa.Samo seeing the ingredients and I thought it was made especially for me :) I love white chocolate, also grapefruit and Campari, and poppy seeds in sweets ....
Now .... as I watch them, with gorgeous roses, given that this time My birthday caught me in a crisis period balances, analyzes and disappointments, I think how much fitted very well to the situation and my philosophical nastroyka.Vsichki they symbolize life so well the beauty, fascination and sweetness, which, however, would not be harmonious without them there is bitterness and pain of the prick ...
An important point in the preparation was to determine the amount gelatin so as to obtain a reasonably stable mousse and still feel fluffy, light and vazdushen.Toy great combined with juicy fruit and crispy crust of seeds with intense flavor of butter and citrus, hiding surprising sweet nests of golden raisins. Gorgeous cake that matched in all respects taste mi.Vinagi I thought the beauty of a cake largely lies in the cut, and well matched components. I hope to appeal to those of you who decide to try it!
Cake with grapefruit and white chocolate mousse foundation - a form with a diameter of 25 cm 230 g butter 200 g sugar 4 eggs zest of one grapefruit (or 1 tsp for a stronger flavor) 260 g flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 40 ml grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed 1 tablespoon Campari '50 poppy '30 golden raisins * All products should be at room temperature Beat the soft butter and sugar until the mixture turns white and becomes raclette machine creamy - 3 minuti.Zapochnete raclette machine add eggs one at a time, stirring each time until full usvoyavane.Sled that the bark of greypfrut.Preseyte flour with baking powder, poppy seeds and solta.Zapochnete to add parts to the mix, and in addition add to it gradually and United juice and alkohol.Sastavkite should not break much, but enough to mingle dobre.Nakraya add raisins (preferably be small or cut them into two or three parts). Pour the mixture into a greased ring mold and baker paper danoto.Peche in preheated 180-degree oven about 40-45 minutes or until dry test stick comes from central tavata.Kogato ready is removed, allowed to cool to grid 15 minutes after which the ring was removed and put back on the grid for final cooling. This base can be prepared the day before and to stand well wrapped in foil to cool storage to assemble raclette machine the cake. mousse of white chocolate 900 ml cream 35% fat 500g white chocolate (such as Milka) 1 packet gelatin raclette machine (10 g finely ground, to Dr. Oetker) grated rind of a large grapefruit and more - whole segments of 1 or 1 1 / 2 grapefruit pieces - free from skins 300ml cream is heated prior to a boil and allow to ohladi.Zhelatina raclette machine soak in 70ml water for 2-3 minutes to swell slightly, but not to take it all technost.Sled the court in which it is dissolved is placed in a water bath (do not boil the water) and stir until it is transparent and vtechni.Otstranete, wait 2-3 minutes and add a trickle to a warm, but not hot cream. Meanwhile, you should be melted in a large bowl of water bath shokolada.Kogato is ready, put the bowl away, wait for a minute to cool slightly, stirring it constantly in this vreme.Zapochnete to add to it a trickle of cream with gelatin. Since the early chocolate stiffen, you may add a little more, stirring raclette machine with a wooden spoon without spirate.Sled that you continue to trickle with continuous raclette machine stirring until absorbed raclette machine and the mixture becomes gladka.Zaviyte it with foil for fresh store and leave in the fridge raclette machine for about 30 minutes - until the mixture tightens slightly and falls to the tape (mix once stayed while in December does not form a crust). Shortly before this period expires, beat the remaining 600ml cream (it must be cold just idvadena the fridge) - vrahcheta.Smesta hard to remove from the refrigerator, stir and add to the cream gradually shattered, stirring slowly and gently raclette machine with a spatula or wooden spoon from the bottom. Take the finished mousse 350 g

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