Monday, September 30, 2013

You will see a huge terrain premium over the celebration. To the right of the entrance under counte

Feast of the fig tree is held every year on August 18 in the village Polilofos (Mnogohalmovo). The village is located among countless under counter ice maker hills, 25 κm northwest of Kalamata. To reach there, drive off the road Kalamata, Messinia, then you turn right, towards the village of triode (three way). Once you reach the village under counter ice maker triode, turn left, following the sign for the village Polilofos. Follow the convoy of cars, going through many hills and turns and just before the village can squeeze in your right you will see a huge banner welcoming visitors with another feast of fig. After about a hundred meters to reach the warehouses of association smokinoproizvoditelite where the festival is organized every year. Movement is controlled with the help of staff from private security praznika.Sled that you choose a place to park under a fig tree in the fields around, making sure to position itself that then easily exit. Collected a great many cars.
You will see a huge terrain premium over the celebration. To the right of the entrance under counter ice maker there is a makeshift convenience store association's under counter ice maker jam and fig jam, where visitors can buy a jar at home.
This year, the feast of the fig tree was held in '10 and was attended by nearly 3,000 people. It is organized by the educational subsidiary of the village "St. Demetrius" and the Association of the figs. The idea of organizing a celebration of the fig tree is the villagers, thanks to the active business of the company, the festival is held for ten years, from one year to become more popular. For the first time in 2002. celebration was held in the village square, but the place was too narrow to accommodate all visitors. So next year it was decided to hold the festival in the field in which the stores are located under counter ice maker in the village of figs. The terrain was again close and the following year was widened further to the needs of the holiday. So each year, this place is held the feast of fig. The aim of the festival is to honor and highlight the main product of the region, to stimulate the production of figs, to support people who engage in this culture, and to preserve and enhance the quality under counter ice maker of the product under counter ice maker and to gain in popularity. Holding him strongly supports under counter ice maker the management under counter ice maker of the municipality of Messina, the regional government of the Peloponnese peninsula, department entity under counter ice maker in the county Messinia Chamber of Commerce and the Association of farmers of the county. The celebration was attended reporters and photographers from all local channels sealed and delivered every moment under counter ice maker of triumph. The celebration was attended by many politicians who made brief greetings. Then was inaugurated. Festival organizers, the prefect of the Peloponnese, the mayors of Kalamata in Messinia and the village, welcomed the guests, and the orchestra take care cheerful spend the evening. The producer of figs was founded in 1958. and there for the past 33 years. It mainly deals with the export of dried figs. President of the company, P. Papageorgiou said the problems of the company is struggling to survive. He said that according to the new law the government that changes under counter ice maker the structure of the Agricultural companies allowing foreign firms to import their products easily. Thus compounds the existence under counter ice maker of farmers. Village Polilofos (Πoλύλοφος) is located 25 km northwest of Kalamata. Perhaps the many hills in the area were occasion village to be renamed in 1935. in Mnogohalmovo. During the Ottoman rule the village was called Spleen (Νταλακλή). Nowadays, the village population under counter ice maker of about 140 permanent residents. Young remain difficult in the countryside and prefer to look for new opportunities. School was closed and several children from the village attend under counter ice maker school in neighboring villages. Joy is that in recent years, several families took farm subsidies returned to the village and began to engage in farming. The first settlers in the area were people driven by the Turks bezhaltsi, craftsmen / builders of Arcadia. This happened in 1850 1860. To make a living, they begin to engage in farming. And now to the main occupation of the inhabitants of the region is agriculture, namely, the production of dried figs, raisins, olives and wine. This time I posted a few pictures of why do I combined all the photos of the evening video that conveys every important moment of celebration. I believe under counter ice maker it will be interesting :))
Last week brought me a lot of great joy, I received several awards for friendship from some ladies, but also a personal one, of a very respectable man than me, Lubo - Sapiens - the Cook, the godfather of my blog that

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