Tuesday, October 7, 2014

05:49 Icelandic nurse, Magna Bjork Olafsdottir, now works for the International Red Cross in Geneva

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"I told him in conversation that we would be with the statements that we have given it to fall on our commitments. We would have a guarantee ice cream freeze fund and would support the fund. We would change the legislation in order to strengthen the position of depositors and that they should ice cream freeze give priority to the funds out of the system. "
This follows Árni Mathiesen, Minister of Finance, on the interpretation of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, the conversation they had on Tuesday. According to information Morgunblaðsins Darling Arni did so, the Icelandic authorities did not intend improve British ice cream freeze depositors who had deposits in the Icesave accounts in the UK, their losses.
Arni says British minister could possibly expect other messages in the call, but he brought it. "He may have supposed that I would tell him I garanteraði things that I obviously could not do," says Arni., "I told the Minister ice cream freeze that Iceland would abide by its obligations under dírektívinu [EU Directive on the protection of depositors] and press would to the fund. "These are things that we have said before and after," says Arni.
Arni says he does not know why Darling had interpreted his words in such a way that he did. "He probably liked it when I told him something more," he says. Minister have probably ice cream freeze liked to have told that Iceland would compensate British savers their losses in full.
11/02/2009 If the Danish Government had failed to Roskilde Bank 10 billion DKK 249 billion ISK, of taxpayers would have ended like Denmark and Iceland. This tells the manager Mybankers, ice cream freeze John Norden, in the television webcasts Børsen. More
Blog about news Skaz And you're outta here! Northerner What you tell Seriously Arni. ?? Were co Orn Oskarsson ice cream freeze Do not point at me .... Anna Guðný had to be a recording. Sigrun ions in the light of events past. day's ALF Why should we? Stephen Frederick Stefánsson Transcript of conversation Arni and Darling immediately, thanks! Anna Sigrun Baldursdóttir Moggi runs itself ... or slavish? G. Valdemar Valdemarsson to sacrifice pedi Close
06:15 We're expecting 500 people to the country for the European Championship FitKid carried out in Vodafonehöllinni weekend. On the website FitKid in Iceland FitKid described as revolutionary sport for children aged 6 to 16 years, but since 1997 have been held European and world championships in the industry annually. More
05:49 Icelandic nurse, Magna Bjork Olafsdottir, now works for the International Red Cross in Geneva and manages workshops where people from the association and other relief organizations wishing to provide assistance to ebólufaraldursins ice cream freeze in West Africa. More
05:30 Borrowing Rikisútvarpið past three years for the operating years 2012, 2013 and 2014 the flow my thunderland through their business, so that it can no longer able to meet its repayment of their loans. Interviewees say that RUV is actually bankrupt. More
05:30 Sensitive position is reached in the labor market requires that the social partners and representatives of the government search for ways to calm the waters in anticipation of wage. Talks on special terms sections are a part of the attempts. More
05:30 The Association of Icelandic publisher notes in a report to the Economic and Commerce parliamentary wondering Icelandic Publishers under. Statistics figures, have declined in real terms by 19% since 2008 More
Yesterday, ice cream freeze 21:49 Ögmundur Jónasson, Left Greens MP and former Minister of the Interior, says boring to listen to Icelanders boast of being herlaus nation however is always ready to sacrifice other peoples' young guard when needed resource interests of Western capitalism. He says attacks on organizations which call themselves Islamic states not in his name. More
Yesterday, 21:30 Gunnar Nelson displays a picture of his nose-made on Twitter, but had to sew two stitches in his nose after cutting him his first round battle against Rick Story in Stockholm on Saturday. More
Yesterday, 21:17 There were certainly reunion when a male cat owners Frosti met her again after three

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