Thursday, October 2, 2014

2014 (18) July (1) June (1) May (1) April (1) March (1) February (3) January (10)

The biggest victim in the vital debate about multiculturalism and Islam in the West is the loss of common sense. And when reason disappears, so will ufornuften area. It is that simple.
As former Minister of Integration Hornbech with several years of delay sounded the alarm against EU law, which undermines the Danish sovereignty, her successor Søren Pind quick to hoist the white flag. All we are required by him subjugate us from outdated UN conventions crazed EU rulings. Total capitulation. But in the desert, we are mighty warriors.
oil on canvas 30x40
Parabolförbud expected to take part beat mot Arab
Silence is worth GOLD - for anyone!
2014 (18) July (1) June (1) May (1) April (1) March (1) February (3) January (10) 2013 (227) December (11) November (16) October freeze yogurt (16) September (9) August (4) July (21) June (21) May (26) April (22) March (16) February (25) January (40) 2012 (683) December (30) November (63) October (68) September freeze yogurt (59) August (61) July (55) June (44) May (90) April (53) March (43) February (48) January (69) 2011 (779) December (54) November (55) October (75) September (60) August (63) July (91) June (77) Jihadists radicalising young people through Facebook - Natio ... English Defence League Call to Arms WILDERS - FREE SPEECH freeze yogurt - TRENTO - PARIS It's about Islamization Danes are arming themselves freeze yogurt at home - National | www ... . "one but less" - Muslim Youth Disrupt Christian Fu ... The Netherlands freeze yogurt two Abandon Multiculturalism freeze yogurt Assimilation AND preserving its uniqueness! Islam researchers abandon the people with their udela ... UK Allows Muslim nurses two not wash two protect the ... 2 pigs on truth serum singing the truth about M ...... Name the poison - Islam - that's the problem! Wilders acquitted Attacking the messenger Ezra Levant with Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff The origins freeze yogurt of the Koran and Islam Summer School of Muslims in Dialogue: Divorce ove ... Muslim slave trade has been going on for 1400 years Elite Management is not democracy! Die Kanzlerin June 18, 2011 Wir müssen die Gewalt ... Salman Rushide on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism freeze yogurt an ... A riot breaks out on Michigan Avenue freeze yogurt during Terry Jo ... Pastor freeze yogurt Terry Jones angriper in Dearborn: + The inte ... BAMN verses Dr. Terry Jones Dr Terry Jones angriper during march two Arab Festi ... Islamic cultural terrorism SIOA Rally For Fatima Robert Spencer / Nonie Darwi. .. Media Refuses to Cover Rally for Honor Killing Vic ... Freedom criminals ... ??? Politicized scientists deserve verbal beatings TRUTH Revealed about BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - Part 1 ... Muslim freeze yogurt Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Con ... Muslim Mafia: CAIR's Ties two Terrorism They are crazy - the Norwegians! Surveyors and journalists - dumped! Islam has NEVER been peaceful! Italy's Brewing Anti-Immigrant Climate - Turkey's Muslim Influence in Austria freeze yogurt - Somali freeze yogurt Muslims Changing Small Town - There is a lovely country - and it's mine! Rector förbjöd students freeze yogurt sjunga nationalsången möjligt motive till murder fire mot hårsalongen time takes over (Soon a förort nära you) <! - Price w / qty in cart ... Mind you own damn business Is not that thoughtful This uncivilized mess going on - just Now! Elmas Berke puts poison for the truth! Denmark - again - named the world's happiest fol ... Government och mass media försöker tvinga on people ... Customs control shall be restored no matter how much ... Mass Wedding Organized By Hamas in Gaza 450 girls ... Mr Camre: "Nazis better than Muslims. " Julia Kronlid - - story about authority activity in the EU ... SDU Demonstrerar mot it vänsterextrema våldet! freeze yogurt GREECE NEEDS EVEN MORE MONEY ....... Islamist insanity in Sudan! Islamist insanity now in Algeria! English Defence League | Flash Action Pallywood - truth in the middle freeze yogurt east holly land, wh ... This is ACT! for America Oikofobi = sellout Danish People's Party has the right ... Muslims attack Jews at University of Melbourne chef notified of racism Double standards and stupidity! freeze yogurt Evil must be removed from the face of the earth! Has he been prosecuted ... ??? Wilders defense of freedom and truth Just for fun - hygli '- kosligt - trevligt freeze yogurt Police great prestige in Vollsmose A hose at the breast We must live in the truth - Geert Wilders in court ... Attempts obstructed professor Bent Jensen k ... Våldtäkt in Oslo rates Teacher battered city islamic psycho's ... The sun

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