Saturday, October 4, 2014

The flash and lens are related, but only if you shoot close. As the lens may cast a shadow over the

Abandoned Members 18,477 Posts:
I have a Sigma 18-200 ,, F3.5-6.3 DC OS lens and a Canon Eos 400D - I would really like to have an external flash which is to pay - I have looked at a Sigma EF-530 ST but will it fit my objective - I want to buy a used, has an eye on who is 3 years old, but it's a bad idea to buy a used?
1 Flash and Lens has nothing to do with each, the flash might sit on your camera and otherwise flashing in the way you would like it to, then everything is dandy. Second when the flash else is doing well, then there is nothing wrong to buy one that is 3 years old.
1 Flash and Lens has nothing to do with each, the flash might sit on your camera and otherwise flashing eiswürfelmaschine test in the way you would like it to, then everything is dandy. Second when the flash else is doing well, then there is nothing wrong to buy one that is 3 years old. Okay, but I do not really know to flash - what I want is when I take indoor pictures that I will be able to shoot the flash up or to the side altafhængig of light but how do I find out whether it is the flash that I need ?
The flash and lens are related, but only if you shoot close. As the lens may cast a shadow over the subject. But you must be pretty close to that (and then buy a flash to put the tip of the lens, if you seriously want to play with it). If the flash is loose, it is rarely a problem in normal use.
The flash and lens are related, but only if you shoot close. As the lens may cast a shadow over the subject. But you must be pretty close to that (and then buy a flash to put the tip of the lens, if you seriously want to play with it). If the flash is loose, it is rarely a problem in normal use. I would also say that the lens is no problem with any external flash. I have the smallest nikon flash, SB400, and even with the throw my nikkor lens 18-200mm never shade, not even at 18mm. I see only shadows with my SB400 if I am in the very wide end of my nikkor 10-24mm, ie about 10-12 mm can cast shadows. With a large flash as Sigma EF-530 ST, you must be crazy if you avoid problems with shadows. eiswürfelmaschine test
Okay, but I do not really know to flash - what I want is when I take indoor pictures that I will be able to shoot the flash up or to the side altafhængig of light but how do I find out whether it is the flash that I need ? You should really just make sure that the flash you are looking at fit your camera brand (Canon ??) and the pan / tilt head so there are not any problems as long as you stick to newer used (ie a few years or 5) Sigma 're doing fine flash that works with the same TTL technology as Canon, otherwise there is of course the Canon itself eiswürfelmaschine test but also a brand called (taken freely from memory ...!) Meitz or something. It is of course the same for Nikon etc ... (TTL = Through The Lens) ie it measures the same as your kameragør for light and distance and regulates flashed by it unless you drive in manual mode on the flash as it can be - nice many possibilities
You should really just make sure that the flash you are looking at fit your camera brand (Canon eiswürfelmaschine test ??) and the pan / tilt head so there are not any problems as long as you stick to newer used (ie a few years or 5) Sigma 're doing fine flash that works with the same TTL technology as Canon, otherwise there is of course the Canon itself but also a brand called (taken freely from memory ...!) Meitz or something. It is of course the same for Nikon etc ... (TTL = Through The Lens) ie it measures the same as your kameragør for light and distance and regulates eiswürfelmaschine test flashed by it unless you drive in manual mode on the flash as it can be - nice many opportunities According sells suits Sigma Canon and that it could tilt / swivel course, it was the first time I checked otherwise it could well be the same: lol:
Abandoned Members 18,477 Posts:
TTL (Through The Lens =) ie it measures the same as your kameragør for light and distance and regulates flashed by it unless you drive in manual mode on the flash as it can be - great many possibilities how secure I? Maybe I should take a trip into the camera body or a store and try the flash on it: ponder:
How to ensure I get it? Maybe I should take a trip into the camera body or a store and try the flash on it: ponder: search on the model provided by the seller, using Google - then there will be a run TTL - which I'm pretty sure it does. It has Sigma in any case done for many years
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