Sunday, October 5, 2014

In addition to criminal immigrant leaders and asylum seekers ice maker installation kit trying the

Uriasposten Blog Archive Oslo: Left Radicals 'blitzere' attack political opponents with bottles during Christmas dinner - three wounded
180 Degrees Savannah Morning News Exchange Berlingske Tidende, BT Dagbladet Information DR Ekstra Bladet Jyllands Posten JyskeVestkysten told the paper Metro Politiken SÃ ndagsavisen TV2 by A4 Monday Morning Weekly Weekend newspaper Danish ice maker installation kit magazines: ice maker installation kit
Young stormed nynazisters Christmas party, Jyllands-Posten and reproduces a story from Ritzau, whereas Aftenposten. From the original source, which says that it was left Radicals 'Blitz' (earlier ice maker installation kit this year in large numbers participated ice maker installation kit in the 'Aarhus for Diversity') - Flash stormed nynazistenes Christmas ice maker installation kit table - three to sykehus.
- Vitner financing that it was aksjonister from the Flash community who had stormed the inn. It was both Men and women down in kjeller room, and these diaper angrepet with bottles, strainers innsatsleder Inherited Røtterud the Oslo police district to "
"- It resembled scenes from a civil war. They like diaper angrepet forsvarte seg hefty, while angri groups were healthy inne, as y løpe towards Blitz house and Pilestredet, fort or a skremt øyenvitne to Aftenposten reporter. "
A funny thing about these kinds of stories is that you never know what the media mean when they write "neo-Nazi". There is an inflation of words, as "neo-Nazi" can eventually describe anyone who does not just cast-Liberal or Alliance.
In addition to criminal immigrant leaders and asylum seekers ice maker installation kit trying the red government in Denmark also to provoke people by requiring more working hours for the same pay, these politicians are real Nazis and subversives, the wads of tax-paid goods mess of the worst kind.
That's scary ... think to destroy people's eyes with broken glass, ice maker installation kit while they're celebrating Christmas party. Nazis, Satanists, Muslims - no matter what they believe, then all people have their eyes respected ... It is perverse evil to destroy someone's ice maker installation kit sight. ice maker installation kit
There was also a police officer during ice maker installation kit a demonstration in the spring ice maker installation kit there were fireworks in the eye was not there? Thrown by the same heartless individuals ... While he just did his job and trying to protect other people from being harmed.
I was in the Antifa page recently to see if they also had an open debate could participate in like here. It had not, but they had an article or rather a sort of short story (it's written in a labored language) about how their actions going on. The neo-Nazis are described in the story are doing nothing but taking the train and go to a pub ... But antifaerne doing quite self stirring the pot around this as far as I can see neutral event. I puzzled over the text and had to wonder if the reportedly Nazism as exist elsewhere than in antifaernes fantasy? The story was mentioned no objective, no actions or words from the rail passengers side had the situation ice maker installation kit Nazi content ... Therefore, they can very well be Nazi ideas, but as I said given zero evidence, ice maker installation kit which is strange in a report that is supposed to explain to outsiders what Antifa is there.
If their heroic struggle against Nazism to follow their own reproduction involves only the 'shadow' people who take on the tavern, and gather gangs of thugs against them completely unprovoked, how can they maintain a belief that their activities have meaning?
I wonder ice maker installation kit how it is with conscience? Well, they have an article on antifasiden with advice on how to keep the inner doubt on the legitimacy ice maker installation kit of violence, and the natural ice maker installation kit discomfort it arouses, ice maker installation kit despite everything, down: You go to a street therapist who has the right political attitudes.
"When people have been out and make some militant work, do you pull often into herself afterwards, and just want to distance themselves from the event, and that's who robs the story comes into play. It is therefore the need for an organizing framework with which to withstand the situations where people most need to talk to each other, but least of all desire. "
"My therapist was very pleasant and understood my problems though most bourgeois psychologists probably had reacted completely skewed on many of my thoughts, for example in relation to thoughts and feelings about the militant work. But this guy, he listened and understood and responded as a political thinking person to another. It was super. "
But good to know that this man, after all, has doubts - a conscience that is constantly trying to shout him up inside and call him back to the brotherhood with his fellow human beings, even those of other positions ...
First attack Einheitzlistens stormtroopers a group of people that they do not like. Next, the campaigns Politiken the a

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