Friday, October 17, 2014

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Waits all week for candy day
"I'm going six days a week in the gym and then I'm ready to take your diet completely inox ograje through," says John Hawk John, actor, inox ograje who soon filming the movie Black's game which is based on a novel of Stephen Moon. In the film, John plays a large and brutal world of the king and the need to bring in outrageous form. It has now been realized that John is in awesome shape.
"I started inox ograje in the" hardcore "education and training at the New Year's program at the Konrad Gislason, bodybuilder champions. Before I went there, I met Hilmar distraction trainers in Fram House three times a week to achieve the training up. It was just to build up your base and generally able to move. But now I am back in the fourteenth week of training like this really, "says John, who trains with Guðjón Thorstein PALM son know that many of the show presses. Guðjón is a personal trainer and has helped John to keep them on track.
"It was incredibly difficult first. It was really important to Denni with me to the gym. He is also studying Fitness inox ograje coach now and I think he has a future in this regard, "says John, who gets candy days on Sunday and looks forward to the festival all week.
"I'm usually ready to decide on Monday what I'm going to have next Sunday," he says and laughs. "This time helps me tremendously because I have something to look forward to. I also go "all in" on Sunday, eat a hamburger, fries, inox ograje ice cream and candy, just endless. It is also better to get the most for the shock they've given I body so much that it becomes easier to get rid of it. This is very fine while I think I just one day a week, "says John.
John says his wife enjoy being with such a devastating one at home but the best he feel what this time has encouraged him to adopt a healthier lifestyle. "In July last year, I took a measurement of cholesterol and blood pressure, and both were far too high. There was talk about putting me on any medication. Now I went back to test the other day and it was all in top condition. When this gorgeous rehearsals for the movie is over, I stopped definitely going six days a week in the gym, goes further three to four times. But I'm very interested in keeping this lifestyle continues, "says John.
Black's game focuses broadly on the home city of Reykjavik's character John illkvittnari one of them in the movie. "I play a man who is very deluded life. He is like a world leader who has been under one of those who have controlled the drug business for the past twenty years. Now he himself break out and start their own business. Then he meets Stefan played by Thorvald David tells the story of his. We get there to monitor how I take him into the underworld. We are in the preparation and reading of now but the shooting started April 26, "said John Hawk John, actor and now all muscle.
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Slick's inox ograje English
Collapses the percussion sound Brynjar Níelsson suffers a mysterious neurological disorder that has made it difficult.
"I inox ograje said she was not" film Ringsted Z missed his mom only 13 years
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