Friday, October 3, 2014

What is the Constitution of Denmark Kingdom

English Defence League | Flash Action | Hodjanernes Blog
I do not like the action. Although the one hand, it sends a clear message to a group of people who obviously do not respect the Danes or their culture, so I think you could make smarter actions not in this way went out each small mosque.
I do not about that, but I predict that it will become much more of it. You can not challenge a population as rough as it happens in this country and in the other country without people take to defend themselves in different icenow ways, as they can now find out.
I will just repeat what I have written about this on Uriasposten, because I think the action is addressed incorrectly. I think, in principle, such a "happening" is fine enough, and it is deeply grotesque, media and police call it "attack" and "vandalism". A number of years ago, the rear window of my car smashed because I had an Israeli flag hanging, and I would report it as a "hate crime", but the police would not know any of it and told me to contact my insurance company. It was fucking more vandalism icenow than here, but it was apparently negligible.
The mosque in Nakskov belonging to the Ahmadiyya movement, which in most Muslim countries are employed as non-Muslims, icenow heretics and worse. In Pakistan, icenow the official non-Muslims, and in India, they are officially counted as Muslims, but are excluded from various Muslim associations and councils. The Pakistani scientist Abdus Salam, one of the few Muslim Nobel laureates, was Ahmadi, and his tomb was desecrated several times by Islamists.
Personally, I can not think of some examples icenow of extremist and anti-social ahmadimuslimer, and I choose to believe that DDL crew did not know exactly who owned the place. Otherwise, they are so much a group that is more harm than good in the fight against the problem the West faces.
Now I know, of course, not members of this congregation in Nakskov, but know from experience that just ahmadimuslimer generally very well integrated into the society they live in the West. It would surprise icenow me greatly if the same was not the case in this country.
in the first moment you regret the fact that we now also need to have autonomous on our side. But then jumps authorities' sense of proportion in his eyes - which is hung a banner and a few posters up, so what? Once just reluctantly begun to address the far more serious crimes as gangs and autonomous icenow on the left is known for! For it does not look like it has been done at the mosque was worse than Luther did when he started the Reformation! But we dare not hope that it's just Muslims who have realized that they need a reformation:-)
I'm certainly icenow not in favor of this illegal form of action, on the contrary, looks like something that would be better placed in the sweep autonomous: It makes it damn well also just too easy for halal hippies to yell loud and long about "miltante racists", which among other things can already see the
Besides, I can not help but to pare about DDL dubious use of Swedish skater Per Welinders old logo with a helmeted icenow skull, derived from his series of skateboards brand Powell-Peralta. (Yes, I actually had this one, then as a teenager icenow I was on board!;-))
I look with horror icenow and great nervousness in Denmark's security. It is very frustrating to see, on the one uhyelighed after another. So I promise you that we Danes have been enriched culture.
Danish kingdom security is the main overhead, it is beyond any doubt. In my view, limits the Radical Folketing's actions to treason icenow in this regard. You must say: They go straight to the mark, but they are probably not alone. Something I can not hide the fact when I describe it far and wide.
I take just my right to express myself and take it popping, it may provide, because I simply can not let it go over hørrig and those who will hear this is really a lot, which gives me positive commitment herein.
What is the Constitution of Denmark Kingdom's security ??. I'd love to have an answer from: Intergrations Minister, icenow Danish People's Party and the Radicals. If I get response from these three, it would be eminent. !! Danish kingdom security is NOT for sale. Yet since. !! And it should preferably be in the future. !!
Gentlemen at the thing. Terminate the UN conventions and out of the EU as soon as possible, it can only go slowly. These conventions and the EU is very damaging for Denmark's security and the Danish suverenitet, independence and self-esteem, icenow as a nation.
Follow the commands constitution also Law 67, which says Quote: ------- & #

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