Wednesday, March 25, 2015

CAMERA WORK is pleased to present an exhibition of significant Photographers-portraits of the Ameri

v pondělí sme s Dankou vyrazily (yes po sakra Dlouhe dobe) do Berlinische sno cone machine gallery .. a ze se toho tam zmenilo .. ale k tomu teprve za chvili. Velice nas tam zaujala Vystava sno cone machine Reinera Fetting a, berlinskeho umelce, sno cone machine Který zachycoval Naladu Berlina 70. let v neo-expresionistickem Duchu .. per info uzijeme textu ze stranek Berlinische gallery :)
The title of the exhibition shall designate one of the most important stages in life and artistic development of Rainer Fetting. Since 1972 he has held the special atmosphere in the western part of the city, which was indeed restricted by the wall, but with student revolt and gay movement proceeded important impetus for the German society of the. Fetting was a sensitive observer of the city and its (Fine Art) scenes. The exhibition shows the running strong in certain characteristic style "wall pictures". With their bright colors they show in Berlin just not as gray front city, but as a vital city with its alternative lifestyles. But Fetting also proves to be a keen observer of the new German capital.
In the four chapters sno cone machine of "Wall Pictures", "drummer and guitarist", "role play and friendship pictures" and "New Berlin", the exhibition brings important groups that are closely linked to Fetting years in Berlin. jinak Vystava o Lajos Kassakovi, od Které jsem si hode slibovala nakonec vůbec nepresvedcila info .. zde: naopak vtipna byla Vystava, sno cone machine kterou jsme mum prehlidly. o tom, jak par chlapku pracovali nekde na stavbe kdesi daleko v asii, ci kde, a nekde tam byla obrovska "socha 've tvaru penisu, která se pak nenavratne ztratila. ted se ji snazili zrekonstruovat sno cone machine popameti. buhvi, esli to byla fikce nebo realita, sno cone machine kazdopadne vtipny a promysleny to bylo: jinak maji NOVE USPOADANOU STALOU SBIRKU .. je to pekny .. peknej PŘEHLED nemeckyho umeni 1880-1980:
The Berlin Gallery collects art created sno cone machine in Berlin since 1870. Internationally renowned works in the fields of painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography and architecture, the museum presents henceforth in new exhibition architecture designed by the Berlin architecture firm David Saik.
The chronological presentation of the masterpieces reflects on 1,500 square meters, the interdisciplinary nature of the collection resists and communicates an exciting dialogue of different artistic styles: Art around 1900, Expressionism, Berlin Dada, the Eastern European sno cone machine avant-garde, New Objectivity, Art in the era of National Socialism, the new beginning after 1945 and positions of the 1950s.
Filter sno cone machine Results by: Anton von Werner, Max Liebermann, Heinrich Zille, Max Beckmann, Ludwig Meidner, Hannah Höch, Raoul Hausmann, Ivan Puni, Otto Banning, sno cone machine Naum Gabo, El Lissitzky, Otto Dix, Jeanne Mammen, Martha Astfalck-Vietz, Erich Salomon Felix Nussbaum, Karl Hofer, sno cone machine George Petrussov, Werner Held, Hans Uhlmann, Hermann Hensel, Hans Scharoun, Fred Thieler, Georg Baselitz, Eugen Beautiful Beck, KH Hödicke, Ralf Schüler and Ursulina student Witte, sno cone machine George Henry, Michael Schmidt odpoledne jsem pekne pakovala v noci Zehlendorfu av sme stehovali :) danka si uzivala, jak netradicne Turistický veci zaziva :) uz mam skoro vsechno na, v centru mesta! :) .. Utery to byl panecku the nabitej! vstaly sem. nasnidaly se. a sly do gallery temer za na raw, Fotograficky, asi dost Znamy a TRADICNI. a veru vyborny! narazila jsme na ni na naprosto náhodou webovkach zpravujicich o .. vystavach gallery se jmenuje Camera sno cone machine Work a na poradu byly prave fotky Arnolda a Crane .. fotografa, co fotil ostatni fotografy jako steichena, you raye a mnoho ďalších. Vystava per Kombinovaná s puvodnimi dily onech fotografu. vse prodejní za pekny ceny, tak 2 - 3 Tisice euro. pfff .. ale krasny prostory v hinterhausu s obrovskejma oknama. dve patra, Desne to pripomína langhans. 16.07.2011 - 03.09.2011 CAMERA WORK | Berlin
CAMERA WORK is pleased to present an exhibition of significant Photographers-portraits of the American photographer Arnold Crane. The exhibition opens on July 16 and will be shown until 3rd September, 2011. The respective portraits are complemented by works of the artist depicted from the extensive photo collection of CAMERA WORK.
Arnold Crane enjoyed unique access to the most famous photographers of our time. He used his camera to capture the icons of photography of the 20th century - Man Ray, Walker sno cone machine Evans, Ansel Adams, Bill Brandt, Brassai, Edward Steichen, and many others - in intimate environments such as their homes and studios. Over two decades Crane created a collection of works of inestimable value and historical significance. Whether he is with Paul beach

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