Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A year ago on the territory of the Universiade Village jw williams funeral home was opened

IT-Lyceum - Entrance girls are not admitted? | Photo news Kazan
A year ago on the territory of the Universiade Village jw williams funeral home was opened "forge frames - IT Lyceum jw williams funeral home CFI. Russia's first IT-boarding school for gifted children, among other things. The main objective of the institution, as written on the site of the Lyceum, - the development of individual abilities of the individual, jw williams funeral home creative talents, the ability to orient himself to the problems of modern knowledge, fully owning information technology. Education at the Lyceum is held by modern Singapore and European methods. Teaching staff of the highest level, living conditions are great. All in accordance with European standards. Almost all, because girls do not learn here, apparently, is not among them, those in whom spotted the potential jw williams funeral home of individual abilities and full ownership of information technology.
Half the intel

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