Friday, March 28, 2014

Video smashed the world record! The nose Print Keyboard fastest in the world.

Japanese robotic bear ice Japanese electronics company Yaskawa Electric industrial poslovni puls robot launched the newest version. Cook's Cat in the ice. Which not only spin ice But the sweet sauce as desired color Tag: News Japanese robotic technology electric ice yaskawa.
Clip + Car + Robot ice skating.
Video Robots for Notebooks
Over 2 years ago, Japanese electronics company "Yaskawa Electric" launch the newest industrial robots. Cook's Cat in the ice. Which not only spin ice But the sweet sauce as desired color.
Robotic cat named ice. "Mecha-Najavu" the production company Yaskawa Electric was started serving customers ice crystal to a theme park Namja Town in Tokyo "Mecha" is Japanese, which means that the engine is "Najavu" is. Name a cartoon cat, which is a symbol of the park.
Over 2 years ago Mecha-Najavu the one hand, it is attached to the bowl and put the bowl of ice water. While the other hand is designed to grip the ice machine. All this requires the help command. The shares can not be ordered on its own.
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Video smashed the world record! The nose Print Keyboard fastest in the world.
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