Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rolls have a slightly crispy crust. Play with the temperature of your oven and cooking time. Send t

Posted by blackbird bakery Oven Baked and tagged with Basic Bread, Frank Deldaele, Jeroen Meus, Lannoo, oven baked, baking stone, Peter Balcaen, Piet Huysentruyt, baguette, Radio2 December 21, 2013
The article on the rolls of Eric Van den Ende still attracts 50% of daily visitors to this blog on his own. Therefore, I decided to give it a try another recipe from: rolls Frank Deldaele from his book "Basic Bread".
The water and the yeast do in the mixing bowl and start the mixer (Tip: use not all the water) Add about a third of the flour, then the salt and mix well after what the rest of the flower. Then mix in the butter. Show the flower, the time to absorb the moisture. The amount of water is often a guide number. If the dough is too dry, add some of the remaining water. Before you really start to knead, gives you best as the dough from the bowl and knead briefly with your hands. "Feel" or dough is too dry or (hopefully ms ice not) is.Wanneer wet dough (very) sticking to your hands is still damp. That you can at this stage possibly back some correction with some extra flour.
Now it really can begin kneading: turn the mixer to high speed and allow five minutes knead well. Who kneads the Kitchenaid has been noticed that the dough kneader sneak up. If that is the case, stop the machine and pull the dough again.
The dough balls can you arrange on a greased baking sheet (or use a baking sheet). The rolls can now rise, covered ms ice for 60 minutes at room temperature, under a dry cloth with plastic film on top. Preheat the oven to 220 C. (Better yet 235/240, as Eric VdE). Before they go into the oven, you may possibly even cutting the rolls. Then, with the aid of a syringe or plant steam oven, steam in the oven just before the baking. The rolls can now bake ten minutes. (Better a quarter as in the recipe of Eric VdE)
My buns (weighed at 40g dough) were not actually be so. Really big And especially when I compare with the rolls at the bakery. The typical crispy crust bakkerspistolets was not there. Biggest reason was the kitchen temperature: that was far from the ideal 25 to 30 so they are not really ms ice strong rose (heating your home, but even that hot ...) To further refine this recipe you have to experiment with leavening and baking time and temperature . (Every oven is somewhat different) The temperature at which bread (after) rice has a great influence on the result. (So ideal 25 - 30 )
Below are several other recipes. In it you make it clear once again the differences between ms ice cooking time and temperature. ms ice Also use some use the oven proofer. Only by trying this / a recipe ms ice several times, each time something different, you work towards something that tastes great for you.
Below are some tips to bake rolls: Start the flour and water to mix with a little less water than the recipe says. Depending on the season and the space in which you work, the flour contains more or less moisture. It takes a while before you can assess whether there is enough water properly. At first it always seems too little. Give the flower enough time.
Take time to mix and knead. Give it time to pull the moisture. In the flower Kneading sturdy and long enough. You dough Moete silky feel and gluten should be visible. Knead the last piece by hand to feel it. Do the windowpane test. The rolls should be twice as large during rijsfase: This very much depends on the temperature. So rather look at the buns than the clock. Ideally you let rise in a proofer. Or in an oven with a lot of steam at 30 . Rolls must burst. Make a good cut top.
Rolls have a slightly crispy crust. Play with the temperature of your oven and cooking time. Send this to depending on the size of the rolls. Be sure that moisture in the oven during baking. I baked a thick fifteen minutes at 235 .
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