Monday, March 17, 2014

Churros with chocolate (we usually eat them with sugar) If you had eaten breakfast, we went to the

Although we are already more than a month in Seville, Kat was, we were up here üleeilseni once again gone on a shopping expedition. Jup, itself also seems odd :) thoughts were elsewhere, rolito and is in no way to be honest, apart from the arrival of new goods is not kaplustesse good prices also caught the eye. In Spain, as a rule, all the clothes and shoes in a price cheaper, than in Estonia. What's not big news though, is in the most expensive rolito clothes at all: D And if you are in Spain, discounts, it is still a decent discount! If a shop window reads up to 80%, then it is possible rolito to find more than two things, which are so much under rated. Minimally still -30%. In addition to a great summer and winter, large discount stores during the rally is always an allowance too. The choice is not so big but you can always buy something. I'm not talking here about the damaged circuits or dirty clothes or clothes that are left in thine lowest and the highest number, but quite decent season things can be found in all sizes. And I like it: P First of all, I'm doing another introduction to how we arrived at yesterday's day. So, when we went shopping rolito the day before CV to share, I thought why not save time and a bit of a look around the shop. And there it happened over a long period of time, your desire to buy something beautiful! Since we were Pedroga but agreed rolito that we can watch together 14 to go along with montaditoseid to eat, then we do not have the desire to fill a time to spend. This is our new Wednesday of each tradition that we go to one place, called 100 Montaditos, eating. On Wednesdays there is any montaditod, (which rolito is most easily rolito described as small muffins, between which are stuffed with various fillings), a special price of EUR 1. The same number also pays a drink, rolito and we are usually the key in your salad, which costs EUR 2. So our budget provides for four EURIST withdrawals. Once a week away :) A suffers, rolito on Wednesday we went to the viewing platform, a proud Seville one very well. This is called rolito a'' mushroom'' because its shape is kind of weird. The adjacent reminiscent of mushrooms. I'm trying to get a few pictures at some point it also added. Since H & M was amazing, however, derived from the blood, I thought that one should go to the shopping rolito center where all the shops have their own outlets. This shopping center is a kind of a larger chain, which I've already visited Gibraltar and Madrid, close to Seville, but (here's they are just two) were the ones for me, even strangers. And then we have this great idea emerged that on Thursday we go to the store! And because of the cheap prices rolito we love more than the full price, you're going Outlet. No sooner said than done. We searched the internet looking to see where these centers are, how to get there, and that clock is wrong. Our elected by the shopping center was located 16 km away from Seville somewhere in the village of Dos Hermanas. As the website says that there will be metroga center (Seville has its own metro but they have only one line. Quite adorable: D), then we will not have had much. The plan was in place-shopping tomorrow! In the morning we went to eat churrosi that day still a good start. Now, thinking it was our first eating churros here in Seville. Churro rolito the Estonian context, rolito however, as the donut shape is different. Katil has pictures too but I did not get them at the moment. Weather was so good that we got our breakfast outside basking in the sun to enjoy.
Churros with chocolate (we usually eat them with sugar) If you had eaten breakfast, we went to the subway. Buying rolito tickets went over rocks and stumps, but in the end we got a hold of tickets. Oh, also, we bought two metro tickets, one for me and one to Kati. Logically, the machine should give us two tickets rolito that could be the one going in one direction and the other in another, but no, Sevilla metro ticket machine gave us two onto one card. Logical! rolito The metro station was to realize rolito that people rolito do not use it much. Everything was so clean and tidy. And empty. But if there is only one line, then what else has to wait. Sevilla will start our first ride on the subway. There was no great emotion, such as metro subway, which was still a wait: D is reached our stop, which was also one of the fascinating line of Sevilla metro station terminal. As we move down and completely as expected, we find ourselves rolito in the midst of nothing. Because of its shopping website, said that the metro will be the place, we thought that we kind of direction, and if we see someone, we ask exactly where it is located. So we started to take one wife, and tried to stick. He did not know anything. That's okay, still happen, maybe was not like a local. Mind you, that it's the area where we were, it was relatively deserted. We see it in the distance one of the men in the population. Finally we reached him and studied, so maybe he knows where it is located in the Factory. He thought natuk

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