Monday, March 10, 2014

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Strange Things People News People Festivals and Events mh750 detailed reports religions customs and traditions of fashion and fashion skills and hobbies Food oddity objects animals and fish, plants and trees oddity places and tourist destinations place and the story of the phenomena of natural World Heritage Space Oddity engineering and construction oddity Arts oddity mh750 of a variety of cars and engines people and the environment Misc News Advertising Technology Sport oddity innovations
In the pre-birth was the invention and practical environmental Interestingly, in those times, mh750 used a special technique to preserve the environmental resources and investment needs of everyday life without using any extra energy! It houses the snow or "Refrigerators pre-birth", and are houses where the snow is saved for a long time in some cases, from winter to winter, which followed almost as it is. The historical evidence suggests that the ancient Persians "Iran currently" are the owners of a head start in this discovery and that the houses of ice appeared for the first time in Persia and then moved into many areas of the world countries, such as Scandinavia and America. Refrigerators us know what BC detailed in this topic. Next image to one of those refrigerators that are still holding up today.
Ice houses an underground chambers mh750 built by man near sources of water, such as natural mh750 freshwater pools and these houses differ from each other in the degree of insulation. In the winter is moved snow from the sources to the homes of the snow and are isolated using some raw materials Kalakec sawdust and keeps ice in its solid for several months up to next winter as we mentioned in the introduction to this subject, and uses this snow mainly for food preservation of perishable and seasonal vegetables and cooling fluid such as water in the summer. Be the base of houses mh750 with snow cone of the discharge channel to get rid of the water caused by melting snow. The following mh750 chart illustrates the mechanism storing ice in ice houses.
First registration historic houses ice was from Persia in a manuscript dating back to 1700 BC and it is called in the language Knight name "Ikhjal \ Yakhchal" and may trade was snow in vogue in the Persian civilization and the snow at the bottom is sold at a higher price than the snow at the top but he knew about the ancient Persians prepare them for the frozen sweets (ice cream, resembling the ancient Arabic in the present era) and was preparing to add pomegranate juice to snow or freezing water Add some flavor of saffron or fruits to him.
Spread mh750 snow industry and building houses the snow in eras BC widespread even exceeded the limits of Europe to the Americas have arrived to England in 1666 and follow the English style Italian in building houses the snow which is characterized by domes like that existed in prehistoric times and brick engraved on the dome However, most of the houses of the snow in England exposed to the collapse. A picture of a snow houses that still exist in Italy.
Trade and reached the snow to America via England and has contributed to the English traders snow much in the booming economy in the English settlements in America, or what was known as the "New England \ New England". The process of moving the snow is in the ships after isolated thatched and packaging. A picture of a house in the snow in a U.S. state.
It also describes the image at the top, took the building houses the ice in the United States a different mh750 pattern for homes snow old and flourished built in an unprecedented way, where the main objective is Wine Cooler Therefore we see that a large number of houses snow old turned into bars or centers mh750 dedicated to the sale and trade of wine such as This store that appears in the picture.
This old technology is derived to a number of techniques and applications sub-verticals of the "Mlagaf or standing air \ Windcatcher" a technique that is in the towers were used in the tropics for air and cool homes and some public buildings such as mosques, temples and hospitals and some of the houses of influential people, money, and mentions that in the Abbasid era were used Almlaagaf in all hospitals and homes.
That's not all .. Is the risk in mind how he saves travelers ancient diets and Khaddroathm without spoil the Holocaust by the heat of the sun during their term? The answer in "Zeer" or what is known as "Brad Destiny extent \ Pot-in-pot refrigerator" a technique mh750 believed Bagesoa effects it was invented in ancient mh750 Egypt since 2500 BC .. viewed this image to acquaint yourselves on this refrigerator amusing.
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