Sunday, March 2, 2014

I have a KitchenAid .. recently and I want to try that Gingerbread for once! how long you mix? and

The Gingerbread has made a huge difference on this blog ;-) The one he managed well, the other was completely wrong. prostor3 The recipe was necessary to a healthy replacement. Gingerbread is eaten much and unfortunately many people still think that it is a healthy and sensible snack. But gingerbread from the grocery store contains prostor3 a lot of sugar and is far from healthy and responsible. This gingerbread is made with flour instead of flour and natural sugars. But as I say often, remaining sugar, even though they keep our blood sugar levels relatively prostor3 stable and contain more nutrients. Also in this cake is a reasonable amount of (natural) sugar. It is certainly a better alternative to supermarket Gingerbread, but also pointed out here with moderate! For the sweet tooth there should be 25 grams of palm sugar or honey bee ;-) Gingerbread natural sugars! Ingredients: prostor3 400 grams spelled prostor3 flour, 100 grams of honey, 75 grams palm sugar, 200 milliliters (almond or rice) milk, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon ginger powder, 1 tsp coriander powder, pinch of allspice, 2 teaspoons prostor3 cream of tartar, 1.5 tsp baking soda, pinch of salt Mix all ingredients with a mixer 10 minutes or until well blended. Divide the batter into a greased cake tin and slide into a preheated oven and bake for 50 to 55 minutes or until tender at 150 degrees. Test with a toothpick or cake is cooked! Eat Smakelijck!
Hi Will Eeny, I find the version with rye flour and little prostor3 flour also very tasty. I also throw instead of palm sugar and honey, prostor3 apple and honey through. The tip of baking soda is also very good! We got a giant cake. My ingredients were: rye flour 300 g, 100 g spelled flour, 50 g 50 g apple and honey, mixed spice, prostor3 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of tartaric acid powder. I found the cake are even slightly too sweet, so I'll do it next time with less honey. Greetings Yvonne Reply Delete
I would like to ask about the difference between tartaric acid and bicarbonate of soda a question. See, I thought it was the same, but so it does not seem to be so. Maybe it's been asked more often, but can not find it so quickly. Long time I read your blog with pleasure, my compliments. Sincerely, Jeanine Reply Delete
Finally a gingerbread that does work :) I had to be doing. Only slightly shorter in the oven He was a bit on the dry side after 50 minutes, prostor3 however an expensive cake hear those healthy prostor3 ingredients! I think your book anyway prostor3 super! The granola is delicious. The banana cookies will mn daughter very tasty. Just one question prostor3 about the mangoijs. How hard is that to you? I make it in the kitchen aid ice but it's still really soft. You could almost serve with a straw .... :) Cheers, Els Reply Delete
Els fun! Yeah, right, it will be pricey so if you bake and cook, but it's also better for your body, but you have to think ;-) Thanks for your compliment about my book! The Ark of the KitchenAid prostor3 you must first freeze it? You'll have the mine and thereby my ice is not completely frozen. I turn it half an hour and then put it another half hour in the freezer. Then it is well frozen. Success! Greetings, Will Parisiene Delete
Hi Will Eeny, I'm the Gingerbread 2x already made, and he's prostor3 already 2x failed unfortunately! From flavor is delicious, but he does not he gets really high, he has the height of a ciabatta around and he is very hard. The kids thought I gave them gingerbread ;). Do you have any tips to get m fluffier I'll have to certainly prostor3 take 10 minutes to mix in the food processor! prostor3 I love to hear from you! Greetings Corrien Reply Delete
Ha, what a pity! I'm beginning to think that it is the type of mixer. What do you use? I use a KitchenAid and who knocks it very airy. He rises with me really look out above (I use quite a small cake tin). You might even try with buttermilk that may work well in combination with the baking soda. Success! Remove
I have a KitchenAid .. recently and I want to try that Gingerbread for once! how long you mix? and in what position? and what access. you use the dough hook or the flat beater? it would also be a shame to find that it fails ;-) Delete prostor3
Ha, I use the balloon beater, usually just the highest position in the beginning a little careful that the batter prostor3 is not on your countertop ;-) In total I mix I think a minute or 8 to 10! Success! Remove
I have a Kenwood that looks very much like a KitchenAid. That's a good (expensive ;)) mixer. I have 2 x mn smallest cake tin used. I will try a buttermilk! Well I read somewhere on your blog that someone prostor3 responded to the tartaric acid powder, according to her rice that bad. Wouldn t it be able to? Is there an alternative if necessary.? I really bale wa

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