Sunday, March 2, 2014

What was on the menu I can hear you thinking: Corn Cookies (Tawd mun kow pod), fish cakes (Tawd mun

Yesterday, at the invitation of Dieter 90th anniversary to celebrate the über cool KitchenAid. In the wonderful cooking workshop Cookaholic The insertion of the evening was simple. nugget ice maker Invite a bunch of bloggers and let them make their own meals under supervision ... Great to see. The faces behind the various blogs As an appetizer we were free to go with all kinds of fruits to make. Our own smoothie Delicious, healthy and easy with the KitchenAid blender. The juice of two oranges, a banana, a kiwi and a 20 cl blending yogurt and voila.
Time for a quick acquainted among those present. Were among others present: Fun Melon (great name), Lama Zone, Clopin, Flair / Stray Wild, Imke Dielen, fashionata (and not so Passionata), Volume 12, Goedles / Communication Men, Stef, and Kristof. KitchenAid nugget ice maker himself came with a delegation of five persons including Isabella. Cooking seemed initially subordinate to tweeting, flipping, pokers, and his more but finally nugget ice maker got Gaetan the roguish gang yet started.
What was on the menu I can hear you thinking: Corn Cookies (Tawd mun kow pod), fish cakes (Tawd mun pla), steamed Thai chicken (gaeng Khiew waan gai) with fried rice (khao pad) and a carrot cake with orange glaze. I sat, flanked by "Miss Rupsigheid" and Valerie, the carrot cake and saw that it was good. Good move anyway because we were working with the Artisan. All and all the time with one dot on terms must haves for Coolinary Cuisine. The blender is a nice second nugget ice maker place.
The hope that some appeared to cherish take home a beautiful handset with turned out to be in vain but still ... It was A pleasant evening with good food, an open bar, cozy chats, a light saber fight with mock peelers and a present. The ever-handy KitchenAid kitchen apron as well as a luxurious catalog returned them home. I'm already more than confident to achieve. ESTETHIC such sound gadgets at home Now my bank account yet.
And here I thought in "Canadia" the crèmekes grew on trees. Classy stuff all hear ... and now they do refrigerators, ovens, pans and stuff. Beautiful to the eye, bad for the stock market. March 11, 2009
Young Lettuce
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