Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Go talk to Yetille.

Go talk to Yetille. "Oioioi ... I am absolutely powerless ... Bring me something to eat! Fish! Hurry up!" Go to the Old Port to talk to Horst Hering. "Hoi young Panda! What do you say? You want a whale? No way, they need to provide to swim in peace !! Haa, fish! Well, that's no problem!, WHERE I leave onkeni .... I forget it when the going. I remember that something was flying above my head when I last saw onkeni. If you find a onkeni, I give you a fish! " Go to the jungle and from there to the cave. You will then be in a cave, and then click onkea. Return to the port. "Bravo, you found it! You will soon receive your fish. But I do not like the fact that someone is spying on kalastusmetodejani. Let me, therefore, to fish in peace and return in a few moments back." So, go to some other place and then come back. "Please! The fresh fish!" Go back to the beach in the Caribbean. Chat with Yetin. "Yyy, raw fish? Not a chance. Take it back and make it your fish fingers, I could get those powers home ice maker back. Ooo, strength, weakened already ..." Go to San Franpanfuun to and from the Chez Brunoon. "Jaahas Jaahas, bringing fresh fish? And you want that the product of the fish fingers. The master chef make them for you in no time. Unfortunately, I do not have, however, no olive oil. Get me a little olive oil, then prepare you a delicious fish fingers. I met pandas, who love to lubricate coat with olive oil, so that it becomes a huge shiny. They guarantee that we can borrow a little bit of oil. They do not always understand that the oil is at its best in the pan. " Return to San Franpanfuun and then go to the beauty salon. Click olive oil which is on the table. Then go back to Chez Brunoon. "Great, you found the oil! I need first to prepare 20 servings of French fries tomorrow's birthday home ice maker party. If I do not get them done in time, the party will go spoiled. I get the fish fingers ready by tomorrow." Go back tomorrow. "Tadaaa! The dose fish fingers ready! Do not devoured all the time!" Go now to take fish fingers Yetille Caribbean beach. "Mmmmm! Delicious fish sticks! Just what I needed! Thank you for saving me! I have to save my family. We are the last existing yetis, and we have lived for years with a small but wonderfully cold glacier, which is far away from the Panfusta. We lived in a peaceful eloamme, until one day, this terrific money-hungry type called Bonez arrived. He is absolutely horrible! He climbed Panfu's highest mountain and lattoi there left-föönin. hairdryer to blow our island so that we may no longer fresh ice cold air, and it also threatens to melt our home! Our small glaciers is the only safe place for us to live. Bonez is going to sell me and my family to the zoo, if he finds us. We are last lajiamme and horrible Bonez going to get rich expense. I beg of you! Find the left-hair-drier and close it! Our last snow men's survival is in your hands! I'm afraid you do not know, what is the hairdryer on the mountain. Try to ask around. Someone know for sure something! " Go to the Old Port to inquire Horst Hering. "Have I seen something special? home ice maker I do not ... able Satamassani has been very peaceful. You will meet the second between the lifeguard and he said he had seen a suspicious character wander around the open-air pool. Perhaps the best thing that you go to inquire about him in detail." Is now asking the other strands lifeguard. "Hey! I'm home ice maker so glad that you came here. Will you go and see what is going on in the locker room? I would go the way myself, home ice maker but I have to stay here ... watch out ... uh, that pools stolen! I saw a panda's going in, but he will never come out. Either he does not understand how a bathing suit wearing, or else something is going on. But I do not dare to go take a look, because he looked so terrifying. And then he will not come out of the dressing room. Very strange. Can you go see what he doing there? " Go take a look at dressing rooms. Click on the cabinet that is locked. Now go back and talk lifeguard.
"The key to the cabinet? You might want to ask the Chamber Alta. He has the keys everywhere, but I guess I just have to be a little distracted. Good luck to prospect!" Go to the chamber over to the tower. "Dressing cabinet shines a green light? Why did not you mention it earlier home ice maker ?! I mean, is not that a clear sign that there is something strange going on? If only I would remember where it is the key ... I'm sure I tried soaking it somewhere in the attic, but Unfortunately, there is little place in a bad way. It is like looking home ice maker for a needle in a haystack! I need a little time to hunt. Go back tomorrow, when I hope to have already found it. " Go back tomorrow. Now, go over to talk to her chambers to the tower. "Hey, I found

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