Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Phototype, which you basically zaškatulkují depending on how you color, you probably know from maga

This assumption is the devil, Which one is pretty difficult to eradicate, especially when they are burned more slowly swimwear rolito go case visible only effect that we see with our own eyes. Last time, you can read why opalováky a necessity today to check out the tooth all those alleged SPF pseudomatematikám that come in handy for all who slow tanning rolito go case torn heart.
Phototype, which you basically zaškatulkují depending on how you color, you probably know from magazines, I would definitely dug so one or two top girls Lucky thirteen or something (when they fuck everything we throw ??!), Where you based on the pigeonhole rolito go case recommend this or that sunscreen.
In the Czech CASAC find phototypes usually only four, which gave me a bit smacks of racism, so here we throw a table with all six. This is a very useful thing, because your phototype also partly determines how likely it is you can develop skin cancer.
(By the way, it is nice to know that the tables do not include the fototypama always pictures of models, which you place přemejšlení the possibility of cancer Encourage envy narrow nose or thick hair.)
Logically highest protection need first two phototypes which should always reach at least thirty, although SPF 50 offers more (particularly first phototype). It is generally recommended to seek shade, wear hats and fear the sun like the plague. Some opalovák that fits, even if not coming out and the sun shining through the window at you.
From the fourth phototype can say that you are more in the Chaika. Although the Four recommended during the summer at least SPF 15 (or shelter from the sun at noon), the natural skin protection is already considerable; this can be extended to the fifth phototype.
The sixth phototype has the lowest risk of skin cancer. Although there is a natural skin protection is already high, recommendations for phototypes IV and V apply here. Low risk does not mean no risk of cancer.
A major argument lovers risk tanning is the fact that after a few days with an SPF of 15, when the sun gets used, it does not burn the skin (which already wine from the first article that is anyway the least we can do sun). If you argue is actually a committed and knowledgeable rolito go case gambler, he will tell you also that after a few days my skin is light tan, which provides some protection there.
Which is true - with such a small hook. Highest tan, wearing what can imagine, will give you some SPF 4. Notwithstanding the fact that that person has reached such a tan, all opalováky must be locked in a drawer and swallow the key, so that the skin cells are damaged before at least this minimum rolito go case SPF starts.
This applies to the vast majority of the Czech population - phototypes V and VI are obviously higher natural protection and sufficient thanks (to beginning of table) the vast amount of melanin, which protects the cell itself.
Read somewhere rolito go case that to get the "number of safe-minute" you have to multiply the SPF ten, six somewhere, somewhere completely different rolito go case number, even if all but one ideal multiplier agreed, certainly it's rolito go case obvious where it was a mistake - like calculators not taken into account, in layman's terms, the color differences. Generally I therefore come much wiser to follow their skin type and is often simply painted over (ideally cream with maximum protection, of course) before counting the minutes rolito go case for each opalováků. The problem here lies in addition rolito go case that according to surveys, people painted roughly one-third the amount of cream than that should ensure the protection of the container. 4. It may be a protective factor for higher damage? Although it seems strange, higher SPF really can be a bad thing, and that thanks to joining rolito go case the length spent in the sun with this SPF. A higher factor gives the impression that there is no need cream paint again, or at least not very often. Unnecessary according to experts invest in a sunscreen with an SPF higher than 50, because the degree of protection against UVB rays are nearly identical. Conversely, rolito go case if you want to be sure that your sunscreen kick your butts and UVA rays, which do not include SPF scale, reach just over fifty or above - legislation in Australia rolito go case and Europe monitors a good ability to reflect UVA rays with sunscreen with SPF 50+. After what factors you're reaching you? And what phototype zaškatulkoval you? Deleting success! Have a nice day, MPS scholarly rolito go case information I gathered the pages and
He always between podobnýma tabulkama feel terribly neglected! I'm blonde, I have light eyes and in winter look so Nordic, that often we greet me like a stranger and ask what it is in Norway, but opálím every summer and burn like nothing is really rarely (si

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