Wednesday, November 5, 2014

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I chose this Asian BB cream for my first review because it is a product that we really facilitate and sunny by life. Also, when I first heard about it, I never could find her review of the domestic girl but to change it, haha.
As I have combination skin prone to acne (which of puberty as PMS) very early I started to make up somewhere in the seventh grade. I've been in a long search for a product that can be worn on a daily basis, and that suits my skin and do not scare the new pimples. This is one of the best Asian BB cream. (Just for comparison, Asian BB creams are thicker and stronger than us cover available.)
This BB cream comes in a silver cardboard box in which there is a silver vial with 50 ml of the product and is suitable for oily and combination skin. It has a mild odor that is hard to describe - something cuisinart ice cream maker directions between a pharmacy fragrances and fragrance sprays for sunbathing. One of the characteristics of her teeth. They should be used within 12 months of opening.
Manufacturer of cream says: This unique professional formula cuisinart ice cream maker directions containing innovative active ingredients that smooth skin, covering flaws and rejuvenate the skin. The cream reduces redness and irritation, and moisturize the skin and controls the secretion of excess sebum.
In practice, this cream is medium density and it takes very little. After a good izblenda (otherwise cuisinart ice cream maker directions it gives the impression masks), it hides blemishes and whiten the face, but there is not any effect on the secretion of sebum ie. Still need to checkmate places prone Oiliness. It has a medium coverage, leaving a healthy glow after application and is upgradeable. It is not necessary to pre-hydrate the skin, this cream because it performs well. They can also use the girls with dry skin, but it is necessary to moisturize your face before applying otherwise it would cream could highlight the dry areas of the face. The great advantage of this cream has SPF 35, which is quite high compared to the local BB cream.
As a major drawback cuisinart ice cream maker directions said would number nuance. The cream is available in only one nuance as it is bright enough (as well as most Asian BB cream: cuisinart ice cream maker directions /), so that would not suit darker girls. But it is for us Sirico excellent.
You've probably already concluded that this cream is not available with us. It can be purchased at Sephora and online, for example cuisinart ice cream maker directions eBay, where I got mine. I paid her $ 22 and came to me within cuisinart ice cream maker directions 2 weeks. This is a manufacturer whose products and not copied, so you need not be afraid that you will buy a copy. The only thing you need to watch out for is that the cream is traveling from Korea, not from China. As evidence of the original, the cream on the lid of the box has a sticker confirming authenticity.
In short, this is my favorite surface. It's great for everyday use, but also for special occasions. It is not necessary hadratizirati skin before applying. It has a medium coverage and is not comedogenic. The price is a little higher, but personally I believe that it is justified.
About Mala Mala toots toots the 24-year-old was born in Zagreb, student information cuisinart ice cream maker directions technologies, and is currently working in a Zagreb cafe bar and enjoy. In his free time writing, reading, designing, listening to music, ride a bike, socialize with people and drink a lot of coffee (with milk). Small things is a project launched in late 2013-s, with the intention to expel their creativity to light and share his passion for writing, and the main concern of her except cuisinart ice cream maker directions cosmetics and natural preparative, among other things, philosophizing about human relationships and the infinity of human stupidity that will never get over it. He collaborates with young and creative talent involved cuisinart ice cream maker directions in the making of unique items, especially jewelry. One of the authors cuisinart ice cream maker directions mention Šminkerica where you can track its lyrics, and for all other information and questions is available on the e-mail address at FB page and / MalaTrubica.
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